Antal indlæg: 3400 Tilmeldt: 03.07.09 Status: Offline
Police officer cut in front of Ferrari, Vorayuth claims
Police will file more charges against Vorayuth Yoovidhya if the investigation points to more than reckless driving, causing the death of a police officer, by the son of a senior Red Bull executive.
A Ferrari with damage to its front and windscreen is found at a house on Sukhumvit Soi 53. The house belongs to the Yoovidhya family. KOSOL NAKACHOL
Pol Lt Gen Anuchai Lekthongdee, deputy chief of the Metropolitan Police Bureau (MTB), said yesterday investigators are carrying out the probe including interrogations of eye witnesses, watching the records of the security cameras in the area and collecting more evidence before concluding the case.
The lead investigator refused to unveil the accounts of the witnesses for fears of jeopardising the case, only saying that he was satisfied with their cooperation.
The officer was put in charge of the case by MPB chief Pol Lt Gen Kamronwit Thoopkrachang.
The case is in the public spotlight as it involves one of the richest families in Thailand. Mr Vorayuith is the grandscon of the late founder of the Krathing Daeng (Red Bull) empire.
But Pol Lt Gen Anuchai said the police could file more serious charges including an intention to cause the death of a police officer if the investigation is concluded in that direction. ‘’Do not worry that the case will end up with leniency simply because it involves a wealthy family. The police will make the decision based on evidence,’’ he told FM 100.5 news programe. ‘’Everything the police do is being scrutinised by the public,’’ he added.
Mr Vorayuth, 27, known as Boss, was arrested hours after a black Ferrari ran into a motorcycle about 5.30am on Sukhumvit Road near the mouth of soi 47 on Monday. He has confessed to a hit-and-run charge following a road accident that killed Pol Snr Sgt Maj Wichian Klanprasert, 48, of Thong Lor police station.
His body was dragged by the Ferrari about 200 metres along the road. He reportedly suffered a broken neck and multiple broken bones.
A Thong Lor police inspector was transferred to an inactive post for allegedly trying to make the suspect's family driver the scapegoat in the case.
Police said Pol Snr Sgt Maj Wichian's pistol could not be found when investigators arrived at the scene. His body was sent for an autopsy and taken later to Wat That Thong in Ekamai for funeral rites by family members.
Witnesses told police that a black sports car ran into the motorcycle and then sped away before entering the grounds of a house on Sukhumvit Soi 53. The house belongs to the Red Bull family.
After being alerted to the incident, police arrived at the soi and found a long trail of engine oil on the road leading from the entrance of the soi leading to the house.
Police believed the car in question was at the house. They asked the security guard to let them in to conduct a search, but he refused because the house owner was not at home.
He was allowed inside but was not permitted access to the house's underground car park.
He then directed investigators to seek a search warrant.
After leaving the house, Pol Lt Gen Kamronwit said the driver of the vehicle was not at home and might be consulting his lawyer.
Pol Lt Gen Kamronwit said he would try everything in his power to bring the perpetrator to justice and that he would resign if he failed to do so.
At 9am, police were eventually allowed to enter the house after a lawyer representing the family arrived.
Police found the 32 million baht Ferrari parked in the underground car park. The vehicle was then lifted onto a truck and taken to Thong Lor police station to be examined by forensic police.
Police also checked the log book which the security guard uses to record the coming and goings of the family's vehicles.
The log showed that Mr Vorayuth left the house in the Ferrari at 5.12am yesterday morning.
Mr Vorayuth later surrendered to Thong Lor police at 10.30am.
He admitted hitting the policeman, but told investigators that the officer had come out of nowhere and cut in front of him, making it impossible for him to take evasive action, police said.
Police have charged Mr Vorayuth with causing death by reckless driving and failing to stop to help or inform authorities. Investigators also took him to the Police General Hospital for a blood-alcohol test. He was later released on 500,000-baht bail.
Samak Chewaphanont, the family's lawyer, said the family was ready to offer compensation and sponsor the funeral rites of the officer. He said Mr Vorayuth was still in shock and could not speak to anyone. Mr Samak insisted that his client had not drunk any alcohol prior to the incident.
Mr Chalerm yesterday said he deeply regretted what had happened and that he was ready to take responsibility.
Meanwhile, Pol Lt Gen Kamronwit said he had ordered the transfer of Pol Lt Col Pannapon Nammuang, the Thong Lor crime control inspector, to an inactive post following the incident.
Pol Lt Gen Kamronwit said Pol Lt Col Pannapon had tried to get a Yoovidhya family driver to take the blame for a crime he had not committed.
"After the incident, [the officer] attempted to detain the wrong suspect for questioning to manipulate the situation and make him a scapegoat. For me, this is unacceptable. The officer, as a superior, cared nothing for his dead subordinate," Pol Lt Gen Kamronwit said.
Suwes Hom-ubon, 45, who looks after the family's vehicles, had claimed soon after the incident that he was the driver of the Ferrari. But police did not believe his story. They said he could not give details as to what happened and physical checks found he bore no injuries from the accident.
Police have also charged him with giving false statements, which carries a maximum penalty of up to six months in jail and/or a fine of up to 1,000 baht.
Pol Lt Col Pannapon yesterday insisted he had no intention of arresting the wrong suspect. He said when he arrived at the house looking for the suspect, Mr Suwes appeared and claimed he was the driver so he naturally had to detain him for questioning.
Mr Vorayuth is the third son of Mr Chalerm who is the son of the late Chaleo Yoovidhya _ the founder of the world-renowned energy drink Red Bull, or Krating Daeng in Thai, and was one of the nation's richest men.
Antal indlæg: 3400 Tilmeldt: 03.07.09 Status: Offline
Redbull-arving i Ferrari dræber betjent
Nyt fra overklassen: Et barnebarn til den afdøde grundlægger af energigiganten Redbull er mistænkt for at have kørt en motorcykelbetjent ihjel med sin spritnye Ferrari
Playboys og hurtige biler hører sammen, men endnu en gang ser cocktailen ud til at være dødbringende.
Barnebarnet til den stenrige og nu afdøde thailandske grundlægger af blandt andet energidrikken Redbull er nemlig anholdt som flugtbilist.
Mistanken lyder, at den unge playboy i de tidlige morgentimer kørte en motorcykelbetjent ned i Bangkoks gader og slæbte ham flere hundrede meter under bilen. Halsen og flere andre knogler blev brækket.
Detaljerne er om hvad der skete efter den fatale trafikulykke klokken 5.30 er til gengæld uklare.
Redbull-arvingen flygtede angiveligt fra ulykken, mens politiet fulgte oliesporet fra hans Ferrari FF til Redbull-familiens palæ i byen.
Mistanke om korruption
Ifølge Bangkok Post afviste en stuepige først, at barnebarnet, Vorayuth 'Boss' Yoovidhya, var hjemme. Det troede politiet dog ikke umiddelbart på, så huset blev omringet, og selveste politichefen, Kamronwit Thoopkrachang, mødte personligt op for at tale med playboyens far, der er en af Thailands rigeste mænd.
Det førte efter en times parlamentering til anholdelse af Vorayuth Yoovidhya, der også er kendt som 'boss'.
Det kan dog vise sig, at berømmelse og rigdom alene ikke kan redde ham.
Ifølge avisen The Nation er én politichef allerede blevet sendt på orlov, mistænkt for at ville anholde en syndebuk for Vorayuth Yoovidhya.
- Det er uacceptabelt, at han har arrangeret en anholdelse af en syndebuk. Han ignorerede sin underordnedes dødsfald, siger den øverste chef for politiet i Bangkok til The Nation.
Rigmandssønnen kørte galt i en Ferrari FF, der er det italienske luksusmærkes første firehjulstrukne sportsvogn.
Med en topfart på 335 kilometer i timen og en 0-100 acceleration på 3,7 sekunder, kalder Ferrari det for verdens hurtigste bil med fire sæder.
Antal indlæg: 3400 Tilmeldt: 03.07.09 Status: Offline
de rige har det svært
Red Bull heir may have taken cocaine
The doctor who conducted blood tests suggesting that Red Bull heir Worrayuth Yoovidhya may have used cocaine will be summoned for questioning today.
Worrayuth is believed to have driven a Ferrari involved in a fatal hit-and-run crash early on Sept 3 that killed Thong Lor policeman Snr Sgt-Major Wichian Klanprasert.
Thong Lor police station's deputy chief Akkharawin Sukhonthawit said yesterday that police had yet to receive a detailed report from the Office of Forensic Science. He said they expected the doctor to provide details on the narcotic substance found. He said that while traces of a narcotic were found in the suspect's blood, it did not necessarily mean he had taken drugs as some medicines could affect test results.
Meanwhile, Pol Lt-Colonel Pannapon Nammuang, who allegedly tried to get Worrayuth's butler to take the blame, met a disciplinary committee on Friday to hear his charges and has 60 days to explain himself, panel chief Pol Colonel Sunthorn Kemaprapa said.