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Benjamin Holst, the notorious traveller with one swollen leg
#21 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 17-11-2014 15:23
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Giv ham et los i røven, eller bedre, spark ham på det grimme ben, dovne hvalp!

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#22 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 19-11-2014 00:44
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BT skriver lidt om tyskeren

Tiggede sig til bytur med thai-piger: Verdenskendt fusker spottet i København

En tysk mand, der har vakt stor opstandelse i Thailand ved at udgive sig for at være hjemløs, er nu set på gaden i København.

Benjamin Holse. Dét er navnet på den 29-årige tyske mand, der de seneste måneder har skabt masser af overskrifter i thailandske medier.

I første omgang tilbage i september fordi han var blevet spottet tiggende på gaden. Ifølge Benjamin Holse selv fordi han havde fået stjålet alle sine penge og sit pas. Men tyskeren, der er letgenkendelig på grund af et voldsomt hævet højre ben, brugte tilsyneladende ikke sine almisser fra forbipasserende thailændere på at skaffe sig en returbillet til Tyskland.
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#23 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 09-03-2015 06:43
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Benjamin Holst

vores tiggerven er tilbage i asien nærmere bestemt Filippinerne

læs mere her: Deported German beggar back in Asean

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#24 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 09-03-2015 07:49

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Ja atter en grund til, man aldrig skal give penge til tiggere.

Gør som lungw skrev, giv ham et spark i røven.
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#25 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 09-03-2015 09:34


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Man kun kun undres, hvad får sådan en ¤¤¤ ud af at sidde og tigge penge rundt omkring i verden.
Han må jo have penge siden han kan rejse så meget.
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#26 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 09-03-2015 09:44
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Mon ikke han har sin IP, som så mange andre har, de har bare ikke været så heldige med deres benGrin
Anarki eller Kaos.
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#27 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 09-03-2015 10:47
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leif skrev:
Man kun kun undres, hvad får sådan en ¤¤¤ ud af at sidde og tigge penge rundt omkring i verden.
Han må jo have penge siden han kan rejse så meget.

der er gode penge i at tigge du kan nemt som farang samle 2-4.000 baht sammen om dagen

Skipper skrev
Mon ikke han har sin IP, som så mange andre har, de har bare ikke været så heldige med deres ben

har har arbejdet flere steder i korte perioder det er hvad han oplyser på facebook, så den med IP holder ikke i dette tilfælde
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#28 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 14-03-2017 04:15
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Benjamin Holst

vores tiggerven er tilbage i asien nærmere bestemt Malaysia

Benjamin Holst, the notorious traveller with one swollen leg, has been spotted panhandling here.

The 32-year-old German, who is known worldwide as a professional beggar, depends on the generosity of locals to fund his travelling and partying lifestyle and is said to have arrived here on March 2 by train from Singapore.

His recent social media posts showed him enjoying the night-life, food and scenery of Bukit Bintang and Penang island.

For the past three years, the controversial figure, who suffers from a rare form of localised gigantism called Macrodystrophia lipomatosa that has caused his left leg to be severely swollen, has been seen begging on the streets of Thailand, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Cambodia and Indonesia.

“He takes advantage of people all over Asia by begging for money, which you may at first think is to help fund his healthcare for his disability,” she wrote.

“However, he brags on his personal Facebook page about how he’s staying in expensive hotels, eating in nice restaurants and spending endless money on prostitutes,” she added.


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#29 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 18-03-2017 04:29
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mere nyt om luksus tiggerenmusic

Notorious beggar Benjamin Holst appears to love Asia

In 2014 the beggar used his swollen leg to exploit the sympathy of Thais to get money, but used it to support his extravagant life and shamelessly posted photos on Facebook.

Also known as “the party beggar with the big foot”, he is now in Kaula Lumpur after being seen in Penang. The Star online described him as a professional beggar and depended on the generosity of locals to fund his travelling and partying lifestyle.

The 32yearold German is said to have arrived in Malaysia on March 2 by train from Singapore.

His recent social media posts show him enjoying the nightlife, food and scenery of Bukit Bintang and Penang island.

“Time for cheaper girls and beach,” he wrote in one post depicting his journey from Kuala Lumpur to Penang.

Holst suffers from a rare form of localised gigantism called Macrodystrophia lipomatosa that has caused his left leg to swell severely. He has been seen begging on the streets of Thailand, Philippines, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia.

His Facebook page is filled with photos bragging about his exploits in these countries.

University of Nottingham student Lauren Sula, 23, warned Malaysians via the Backpackers Buddies Malaysia Facebook group on Saturday to stay away from Holst.

“He takes advantage of people all over Asia by begging for money, which you may at first think is to help fund his healthcare for his disability,” she wrote. “However, he brags on his personal Facebook page about how he’s staying in expensive hotels, eating in nice restaurants and spending endless money on prostitutes.”

Several Malaysians told The Star Online that they had seen him begging around the city on Sunday.

“I saw him begging on the covered walkway near the Imbi monorail station at about 3pm. He sat on the floor and was waiting for people to give him money,” postgraduate student Muhammad Afi, 28, said.

Eliza Hamdam, 38, said she had twice spotted Holst. “One evening last week, he sat and begged with a small transparent plastic bowl in Bukit Bintang where a lot of homeless people are often seen,” she said.

She said she saw him again on Sunday night wandering around Jalan Alor. “Although one of his legs was swollen, he walked normally,” she said.

In 2014, he claimed his passport and cash were stolen during his trip to Thailand. He attracted a lot of sympathy, partly because of his disfigured leg. A German foundation later provided him with a hotel room while he waited for a new passport, he then took a taxi to Pattaya where a taxi motorcyclists claimed that he showed him more than Bt40,000 when they recognised him.

“He also gave us money, telling us to get him some beer and some girls for him to sleep with,” one motorcyclist said on condition of anonymity. Holst was detained and later deported.

In 2015, he reappeared in the Philippines. He announced in his Facebook page that he was in Angeles City.

In 2016, he shared pictures of himself dining in McDonalds and other local restaurants. He also posted a picture of himself going to a betting station.

In other posts, Holst said he has spent nights at Hong Kong’s red light district looking for prostitutes and bragged he was taking them to hotels. He said he went to the Thai consulate in Hong Kong and joked that they might allow him back to Thailand.

In September of the same year, he was arrested in Surabaya in Java as he partied with girls using the money he got from panhandling.

Before being arrested, he was spotted at a traffic light in Tabanan, Bali, and a video of him went viral on social media.

This year, he posted in his Facebook page that he was in Singapore and then he was spotted in Malaysia.

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#30 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 01-04-2017 02:52
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Svindleren Benjamin Holst er på vej til Thailand påstår han, håber de lukker ham ind i landet, derefter kan de smide ham i rotte hullet
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#31 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 26-06-2017 11:55
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Benjamin Holst i Danmark igen. Radio 24syv har mødt ham: - Lyt med her

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Je suis Charlie
#32 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 14-09-2017 12:01
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he he ingen adgang skide godt Thumb

A man once dubbed the “most hated German in Thailand” was denied boarding a Thai Airways flight on Tuesday after being blacklisted by Thai immigration.

Notorious beggar Benjamin Holst, who first hit the headlines in 2014, when he used his swollen leg to get money out of generous Thais who were sympathetic towards his plight.

Holst’s story was shared among Thais on social media and he even featured on national television.

On Tuesday he tried to board a Thai Airways flight from Zurich to Laos, with a transit in Bangkok.

However, the airline refused to allow him to board, citing that he was blacklisted by Thai immigration. –


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Je suis Charlie
#33 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 26-01-2019 10:00
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"Most hated German in Thailand" takes his wife to Hamburg and he's still asking for donations

"Most hated German in Thailand" takes his wife to Hamburg and he's still asking for donations
A beggar dubbed as the "Most Hated German in Thailand" has taken his attractive wife from The Gambia to the fatherland.

A video showed Benjamin Holst and his love interest along with an unnamed child enjoying a happy funfair ride.

Perhaps recognizing that he is well known in Thailand Benjamin posted on Thaivisa's Facebook page that he had traveled to Germany .

The German - who has a massive leg that he uses to garner sympathy and donations - was vilified in Thailand after many Thais in Bangkok took pity on him and gave him money.

He was later seen unrepentant and enjoying the high life with beer and prostitutes in Pattaya.

The Thais were furious and kicked him out and blacklisted him.

He found his way to Africa where what he calls true love blossomed in The Gambia.

Meanwhile on Facebook several posters were arguing about where he got his money for the latest jaunt.

On one site Herr Holst said that to mark his birthday on January 14th he was appealing for funds for poor African children.

He promised to send the cash to a "non-profit organisation".

However, it appears people online might have got wise to his schemes - as of today only one Euro of a target of 150 Euros had been donated.

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