Debatemne: Thai-Dk Din debat side :: Thailand: »Det endelige opgør«

Oprettet af M55 d. 09-05-2014 15:54

Thailands oppositionsleder Suthep Thaugsuban var med da tusinder gik på gaden for at få regeringen til at træde tilbage, og samtidig udsætte det kommede valg. Det sker efter landets forfatningsdomstol har afsat premierminister Yingluck Shinawatra fra sin post.

Redigeret af M55 d. 09-05-2014 15:56

Oprettet af skipper d. 09-05-2014 16:46

Jeg kan ikke se linket M55, men vil da gerne kommentere overskriften.

Der findes ikke noget endeligt opgør, selv om det skulle lykkes de gule at få forbudt Phue Thai, som de tidligere har fået forbudt deres forgængere, så kan de ikke ignorere så mange millioner stemmer, indenfor demokratiets rammer.
Det er derfor de vil afskaffe demokratiet, det er deres eneste mulighed for, som minioritet, at overtage magten, på bekostning af flertallet.

Et nyt parti vil blomstre op, og historien vil gentage sig, med eller uden Shinawatra familien.

Oprettet af per1234 d. 10-05-2014 01:44

de røde er i krigshumør, jo jo de kan skam

Red-shirt, pro-government demonstrators rallied and burned mock coffins and effigies in several provinces on Friday in protest against the Constitutional Court's disqualification of Yingluck Shinawatra as prime minister.

The rallies occurred in Sukhothai, Lampang, Nan, Pathum Thani, Ayutthaya and Nakhon Ratchasima provinces. Between 100 and 200 red-shirt demonstrators of the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) showed up at each protest location.

Redigeret af per1234 d. 10-05-2014 01:47

Oprettet af per1234 d. 10-05-2014 06:22

Protest 'monk' falls sick

Luang Pu Buddha Issara, an anti-government protest leader and senior monk, has fallen ill after police fired tear gas and water cannons at him and a group of protesters outside the Police Club on Friday, according to a message posted on Luang Pu's Facebook page.

"Luang Pu is feeling very weak and generally sick after the Centre for the Administration of Peace and Order (Capo) fired tear gas canisters at him yesterday," the message says. Doctors prescribed bronchodilators, medication to reduce swelling in respiratory passages and antihistamine for the monk.


Oprettet af M55 d. 10-05-2014 08:36

Anti-government protesters, led by Suthep Thaugsuban, march to different areas of Bangkok on Friday, May 9, 2014. (Photos by Post Photographers)

Oprettet af thai d. 10-05-2014 13:44

De røde er her, hvor mange er de, se det er en stor hemmelighed

Supporters of the caretaker government rally in northern Bangkok on Saturday, May 10, 2014. They gather following the dismissal of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and nine ministers by the Constitutional Court this week. Photos by Apichart Jinakul.
Latest multimedia

Red-shirt rally to defend government

Oprettet af thai d. 11-05-2014 02:42

de røde er på plads der er ikke rigtig nogle oplysninger om hvor mange der er mødt frem

Any attempt by the Supreme Court and the Senate to discuss "unlawful" demands for an interim government could steer Thailand toward a civil war, says the head of the red-shirt movement.

read more here

Oprettet af thai d. 11-05-2014 02:48

De røde er klar til krig, de er startet i det små

Two M79 grenades fired at rally site near Government House, injuring two
May 11, 2014 7:18 am
A man and a woman were slightly injured with bomb fragments when assailants fired two M79 grenades at a rally site near the Government House late Saturday night.

The attack against the rally site of the Students and People Network for Thailand's Reform happened at 10:30 pm.

The first grenade fell behind the rally stage, injuring Naronchai Seesirirungrot, 52, and Isarawan Sriklai, 55.

The second grenade fell in front of the Rajvinit Secondary School, damaging three phone booths and three cars.


Redigeret af thai d. 11-05-2014 02:48

Oprettet af yindee d. 11-05-2014 05:00

hvem bestemmer i thailand mere og mere tyder på at PDRC får mere magt, nu har de overtaget kontoret fra den tidlige og nuværende PM

Army hands over office of PM, ministers to PDRC

Anti-government leader Suthep Thaugsuban on Saturday negotiated with soldiers to “hand over” the Santi Maitree building in the compound of Government House to his group.

Negotiations began after Mr Suthep and PDRC demonstrators entered Government House without any resistance.

The move into the compound was seen as a display of power to show the PDRC protesters had an edge over the caretaker government.

The Santi Maitree building houses the offices of the prime minister and cabinet ministers.


Oprettet af skipper d. 11-05-2014 09:19

De gule er ved at være desperate, de er blevet trætte af at sidde i Lumphini Park og pille lus af hinanden, regeringens taktik med at vente dem ud er indtil videre lykkedes.

Flere røde ledere advarer om ikke at lade sig provokere til at begå noget der kan give militæret en undskyldning for at gribe ind, men det er selvfølgelig umuligt for dem at have fuldstændig kontrol over alle deres vælgere.

Alene det faktum at Thaugsuban stadig er på fri fod beviser den korruption systemet er gennemsyret af, der er en gammel arrestordre på ham for indblanding i drab på demonstranter i 2010, men endnu er han ikke en gang blevet afhørt i sagen, politiet har ikke kunnet anholde ham da han står under hærens beskyttelse.

Oprettet af thai d. 12-05-2014 02:03

PDRC's final battle begins


Redigeret af thai d. 12-05-2014 02:25

Oprettet af AL 48 d. 12-05-2014 08:04

Alene det faktum at Thaugsuban stadig er på fri fod beviser den korruption systemet er gennemsyret af, der er en gammel arrestordre på ham for indblanding i drab på demonstranter i 2010, men endnu er han ikke en gang blevet afhørt i sagen, politiet har ikke kunnet anholde ham da han står under hærens beskyttelse.

-Hvor længe bliver han mon ved med at gå fri??

Swat team plan to arrest PDRC leaders
The Centre for the Administration of Peace and Order (Capo) is vowing to use police commandos to arrest 14 core members of the anti-government People’s Democratic Reform Committee’s (PDRC) including protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban.

The operation is likely to lead to clashes and injuries, so members of the public who are not involved in the PDRC’s movements should avoid protest areas, he added.


Oprettet af yindee d. 12-05-2014 08:27

AL 48 skrev:
Alene det faktum at Thaugsuban stadig er på fri fod beviser den korruption systemet er gennemsyret af, der er en gammel arrestordre på ham for indblanding i drab på demonstranter i 2010, men endnu er han ikke en gang blevet afhørt i sagen, politiet har ikke kunnet anholde ham da han står under hærens beskyttelse.

-Hvor længe bliver han mon ved med at gå fri??

Swat team plan to arrest PDRC leaders
The Centre for the Administration of Peace and Order (Capo) is vowing to use police commandos to arrest 14 core members of the anti-government People’s Democratic Reform Committee’s (PDRC) including protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban.

The operation is likely to lead to clashes and injuries, so members of the public who are not involved in the PDRC’s movements should avoid protest areas, he added.


den arrestordre er kun to mdr. gamme,l der er udstedt 6 eller 7 arrestordre imod Suthep Thaugsuban, de er alle udstedt af den nuværende regering der forsøger på at bruger arrestordrene som et politisk våben i mod ham

han er på fri fod fordi politiet ikke magter den opgave, de bange for at hvis de arresterer ham vil balladen udvikle sig. Noget helt andet er, at Suthep Thaugsuban vil blive sat på fri fod inder for få timer af højeste ret, som har afsagt en dom der siger at Suthep Thaugsuban ikke har lavet noget ulovligt i forbindelse med demonstrationerne

Politiet alias Capo har igennem 4 mdr truet med at arrestere Suthep Thaugsuban indtil videre er det kun blevet ved truslerne

Suthep Thaugsuban står ikke under hærens beskyttelse, han er og bliver beskyttet af Bangkok-s indbyggere og demonstranterne

Redigeret af ADM d. 12-05-2014 09:25

Oprettet af skipper d. 12-05-2014 08:54

Der er nu afleveret en officiel klage over Suthep Thaugsuban og hans tilhængeres besættelse af flere TV-stationer.
En tidligere artikel i The Nation beskrev hvordan de truede journalister til ikke at sende nyheder der kom fra regeringen, men kun propaganda fra PDRC:


Oprettet af thai d. 12-05-2014 09:33

thai skrev:
De røde er klar til krig, de er startet i det små

Two M79 grenades fired at rally site near Government House, injuring two
May 11, 2014 7:18 am
A man and a woman were slightly injured with bomb fragments when assailants fired two M79 grenades at a rally site near the Government House late Saturday night.

The attack against the rally site of the Students and People Network for Thailand's Reform happened at 10:30 pm.

The first grenade fell behind the rally stage, injuring Naronchai Seesirirungrot, 52, and Isarawan Sriklai, 55.

The second grenade fell in front of the Rajvinit Secondary School, damaging three phone booths and three cars.


endnu et andgreb mod demonstranterne

Two M79 grenade fired at Chaeng Wattana rally site

Two M79 grenades were fired at the Chaeng Wattana rally site late Sunday night. Two guards were slightly injured.

Explosive ordnance disposal police Monday checked the scene of the attack, which happeend at 10 pm.

A grenade fell in front of a pavilion in the rally area while anoter fell in the compound of the Air Defense Artillery Regiment. The pavilion is where Phra Buddha Isara has been staying.


Oprettet af thai d. 12-05-2014 09:37

skipper skrev:
Der er nu afleveret en officiel klage over Suthep Thaugsuban og hans tilhængeres besættelse af flere TV-stationer.
En tidligere artikel i The Nation beskrev hvordan de truede journalister til ikke at sende nyheder der kom fra regeringen, men kun propaganda fra PDRC:


sjovt nok er den officielle klage indleveret af regering partiet Pheu Thai. TV stationerne har ikke klaget

Oprettet af skipper d. 12-05-2014 09:46

Jo det har de faktisk thai:


Oprettet af thai d. 12-05-2014 10:08

skipper skrev:
Jo det har de faktisk thai:


nej skipper, de har protesteret til Suthep Thaugsuban. De har ikke indgivet en officiel klage til politiet, det er kun regering partiet Pheu Thai. som har anmeldt Suthep Thaugsuban. til politiet

Redigeret af thai d. 12-05-2014 10:11

Oprettet af skipper d. 12-05-2014 10:20

Human Rights Watch har også reageret på overgrebet på ytringsfriheden:


Redigeret af skipper d. 12-05-2014 10:20

Oprettet af AL 48 d. 12-05-2014 10:22

Thai Journalists Association and the Thai Broadcast Journalists Association said in a statement on Friday.

-Er det det samme som at indsende en klage?

Oprettet af skipper d. 12-05-2014 10:26

Er det det samme som at indsende en klage?

Hvor har jeg skrevet at journalisterne har indsendt en klage?

Oprettet af M55 d. 12-05-2014 12:24

Thai Government Supporters Gather To "Defend Democracy"

Thai government supporters gather ahead of a planned mass rally on the outskirts of Bangkok, as opposition protesters also plan a march in the capital. -

Redigeret af M55 d. 12-05-2014 12:25

Oprettet af Kent d. 12-05-2014 12:56

CAPO will protect red shirts from attacks, says Chalerm

Pro-government red-shirt protesters gathering at Aksa Road west of Bangkok are to be protected until 10pm every night, Centre of Administration for Peace and Order (CAPO) director Chalerm Yoobamrung said Monday.

The protection was needed because there would be violence committed against them, he said. "If they are attacked, a large number will rise and confrontation [with anti-government supporters] will follow," he added.

On the other hand, Chalerm said he believed that M79 attacks would persist on the People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC), which he described as a mob of thugs.

"The confrontation will not occur if red shirts are not harmed," he said. "The PDRC will now rely on violence, otherwise they will lose. They will never win," he added.


Oprettet af per1234 d. 12-05-2014 13:09

CAPO will protect red shirts from attacks, says Chalerm

smukt hvor ulovligt kan det blive, Chalerm som er smidt ud af parlamentet. han er dømt for magt misbrug alligevel fortsætter han som intet er hændt han nægter at følge rettens afgørelse, han er hævet over loven tror han selv

Chalerm chairs CAPO meeting despite court's ruling

Chalerm Yoobamrung, former labour minister, Monday chaired a meeting of the Centre for Administration of Peace and Order.


Oprettet af thai d. 13-05-2014 04:03

The United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship movement has become increasingly active as political temperature rises. A sea of red covered Utthayan Road in Nakhon Pathom province on Monday, where UDD supporters drummed up its pro-democracy campaign focusing on holding a fresh election as soon as possible.In downtown Bangkok, anti-government protesters vacated its base at Lumpini Park and set up a new stage on Rachadamnoen Road, determined to push reform and an interim government before the next election.As fear of a civil war grips the nation, Post photographers have compiled a set of photos depicting the atmosphere of the two protest sites. Photos by Thanarak Khunton and Pawat Laopaisarntaksin.

Political rift wider than ever

Oprettet af skipper d. 13-05-2014 12:56

Tillykke til "Hæderlige Suthep" der har fået et kontor stillet til rådighed i Government House, den glade giver var hæren der nok mente han behøvede en kommandocentral så han kunne sidde med Air-condition og i behagelige omgivelser og flytte rundt på sine nyttige idioter.
Hvem de har smidt ud for at få plads til gøgeungen ved jeg ikke, men har mine bange anelser.

Hvad hæren har at gøre med udlejning af gratis kontorer i Government House at gøre ved jeg ikke, men har man venner så har man.

Det hele er begyndt at ligne et amatørteater i en kælder under Kofoeds skole, hvis det ikke var så alvorligt for så mange mennesker ville humoren nok for længst havde overmandet de fleste.

Læs gerne kommentarerne under artiklen


Oprettet af M55 d. 13-05-2014 13:36

skipper skrev:
Tillykke til "Hæderlige Suthep" der har fået et kontor stillet til rådighed i Government House, den glade giver var hæren der nok mente han behøvede en kommandocentral så han kunne sidde med Air-condition og i behagelige omgivelser og flytte rundt på sine nyttige idioter.
Hvem de har smidt ud for at få plads til gøgeungen ved jeg ikke, men har mine bange anelser.

Hvad hæren har at gøre med udlejning af gratis kontorer i Government House at gøre ved jeg ikke, men har man venner så har man.

Det hele er begyndt at ligne et amatørteater i en kælder under Kofoeds skole, hvis det ikke var så alvorligt for så mange mennesker ville humoren nok for længst havde overmandet de fleste.

Læs gerne kommentarerne under artiklen


Editor Comment:

We are against corruption and for change for the better. We have never expressed an opinion in support of Khun Suthep. But we think that, despite the risk of violence, Thailand has never had a better opportunity to start over again. Suthep has already said he will not remain in politics. It's to be hoped Thaksin Shinawatra also ceases to be involved. Of course Suthep should be ''banging the drum'' against corruption. So should you. This article, by the way, is written by a highly-regarded international correspondent, and the views expressed in it are his, not ours.

Oprettet af farang d. 13-05-2014 13:51

Oprettet af skipper d. 13-05-2014 14:04

farang skrev:


Oprettet af AL 48 d. 13-05-2014 14:42

skipper skrev:
farang skrev:[/quote]

Ja,- sådan kan man jo ødelægge enhver tråd med sine syge fantasier :(
Men måske har skipper en drøm, han gerne vil indvi os andre i ??

Redigeret af AL 48 d. 13-05-2014 14:44

Oprettet af skipper d. 13-05-2014 14:45

Se nu og vågn op AL 48, de falske link farang sender er ren spam((7))

Oprettet af per1234 d. 14-05-2014 03:38

skipper skrev:
Se nu og vågn op AL 48, de falske link farang sender er ren spam((7))

hej skipper. det er fotos (Satire tegninger) som falang sender, du har igen rodet rundt i din PC, så du ikke kan se fotos på siden

Oprettet af per1234 d. 14-05-2014 03:46

der kæmpes en brag kamp i kulisserne alle er klar over at dette er sidste chance valget står imellem "frihed" contra "Taksin,s diktatur"

All eyes on Senate

Suthep Thaugsuban's PDRC and the pro-government red shirts are piling pressure on the Upper House to find a way out of the crisis, with most of the noise centering on the dispute over kicking out the current government in favour of an "interim" prime minister.

Redigeret af per1234 d. 14-05-2014 03:48

Oprettet af AL 48 d. 14-05-2014 08:51

skipper skrev:
Se nu og vågn op AL 48, de falske link farang sender er ren spam((7))

Det er ikke link. Puds nu brillerne og rens computeren for alt det "snavs" du lagrer.((7))

Oprettet af skipper d. 14-05-2014 09:04

Jamen jeg lagrer ingenting, jeg renser dyret med jævne mellemrum og pudser hinkestenene hver uge, hvad mere kan jeg gøre, jeg ville gerne have sendt en smiley, men det fungerer ikke i IE, kun i Firefox.

Oprettet af M55 d. 14-05-2014 13:54

de røde ledere snyder fodfolket som derefter klager til politiet ((7))

Red-shirt leader faces complaint for refusing to pay locals bribes

Sixty locals of Sakaeo province filed a complaint against a red-shirt leader on Sunday after he refused to pay them the bribes they were promised.

Three representatives of the locals: Kampoaun Laosao, Jakkapong Duangnil and Wiriya Promwach, told the police each local was offered the bribe from a member of the United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship to join two protest sites on the weekend in Khon Kaen province and Aksa Road in Bangkok.

The deal was each would get THB1,000 per day plus the cost for transportation.

However, the red-shirt leader, whose name was withheld in the media, called to cancel the deal as the group was traveling to Khon Kaen.

When they received no payment, the locals filed the police report and the leader was invited to Nong Mark Fai police station for a negotiation.

In the end, the locals accepted THB500 payment, and the leader agreed to pay for the five vans they had rented, Daily News reported.

Her er artiklen på Thai>>>>>

Video på Thai lagt ind af ADM

Redigeret af ADM d. 15-05-2014 02:57

Oprettet af AL 48 d. 14-05-2014 15:39

Ja, det er dyrt at købe sig til "tilhængere".
-Hvor mange i de forskellige marcher er mon købt og betalt ??

Det er det samme som når folk får 200 baht bare for at møde op til et valgmøde.

Det er ikke så mærkeligt at den alm. thai, der bor et godt stykke fra Bangkok, har et anderledes syn på de store "protestmarcher". -De går ikke med for deres overbevisnings skyld, men udelukkende for "daglønnen´s" skyld.

Men hvor kommer alle disse "korruptions-penge" fra ?? -Begge parter har dem, og det er jo ikke ligefrem småpenge, det drejer sig om.

Oprettet af farang d. 15-05-2014 00:31

hej, godnat inden jeg smutter i seng får i lige et falsk link ((4)) jeg elsker sku de tegninger

Oprettet af M55 d. 15-05-2014 02:24

Two killed, 22 others injured in grenade, gun attack at Democracy Monument

Two met were fatally shot and 22 others were injured when assailants on a pick-up truck fired an M79 grenade at anti-government protesters and fired at guards of the People's Democratic Reform Committee early Thursday, Manager Online reported.

The assailants on a white pick-up truck fired an M79 grenade at the demonstrators near the Democracy Monument at 2:50 am and sped their truck to the Kokwua Intersection. Their opened fire at the guards there with M16 assault rifles.

Manager Online said 24 were injured in the shooting. Ten of them were rushed to Hua Chiew Hospital and 14 others to Bangkok Metropolitan Administration Central Hospital.

Narayos Chanphet, 21, and Somkhuan Nuankhanai, 51, died at a hospital.


Oprettet af skipper d. 15-05-2014 04:58

farang skrev:
hej, godnat inden jeg smutter i seng får i lige et falsk link ((4)) jeg elsker sku de tegninger

Ja tak, så er det nok((1((((7))

Oprettet af M55 d. 15-05-2014 10:18

M55 skrev:
Two killed, 22 others injured in grenade, gun attack at Democracy Monument

Two met were fatally shot and 22 others were injured when assailants on a pick-up truck fired an M79 grenade at anti-government protesters and fired at guards of the People's Democratic Reform Committee early Thursday, Manager Online reported.

The assailants on a white pick-up truck fired an M79 grenade at the demonstrators near the Democracy Monument at 2:50 am and sped their truck to the Kokwua Intersection. Their opened fire at the guards there with M16 assault rifles.

Manager Online said 24 were injured in the shooting. Ten of them were rushed to Hua Chiew Hospital and 14 others to Bangkok Metropolitan Administration Central Hospital.

Narayos Chanphet, 21, and Somkhuan Nuankhanai, 51, died at a hospital.


sidste nyt i sagen

Three dead, several injured in attack on antigovernment protesters

At least three people died and many others were injured in the latest attack on an antigovernment rally at the Democracy Monument early this morning.


Oprettet af skipper d. 15-05-2014 10:33

Nu fungerer det, også i Firefox:TUP

Oprettet af M55 d. 15-05-2014 11:21

FLASH:Army chief gives stern warning

Army chief Prayuth Chan-ocha on Thursday issued a strongly worded comdemnation of the fresh violence and warned that the army will take action if it continues.

Gen Prayuth issued the stern warning in a statement in the wake of the attacks on a protest site early Thursday morning, which killed three people and wounded 22 others.

He condemned the violence against innocent people and warned the attackers to immediately stop it.

The army could be forced to end the violence ''in full force'' to maintain law and order, he added.

He did not rule out using soldiers if the situation spins out of control and becomes chaotic.


Oprettet af thai d. 16-05-2014 01:23

The meeting between the Election Commission (EC) and acting caretaker Prime Minister Niwattumrong Boonsongpaisan was cut short after the People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) supporters marched to the Royal Thai Airforce headquarters, prompting government delegates to end the meeting and flee.Amid tension, PDRC secretary-general Suthep Tuagsuban has given the Senate a two-day deadline to appoint a candidate as an interim prime minister while the red-shirt United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) has threatened that appointing unelected premier could plunge Thailand into civil War.The attacks at two PDRC rally sites early Thursday saw three people killed and 20 more injured. With the current political deadlock, authorities are concerned that small skirmishes could turn into an all out war.Army Chief Prayuth Chan-ocha says the army is ready to take action if violence and bloodshed continue. Photos by Post Photographers.

Oprettet af M55 d. 16-05-2014 10:33

Protesters throw poll plans into chaos

Anti-government protesters forced an abrupt end to a meeting between the Election Commission (EC) and the caretaker government Thursday, throwing plans for a July 20 election into disarray.

Redigeret af M55 d. 16-05-2014 10:34

Oprettet af yindee d. 16-05-2014 13:16

Police try to arrest Indian businessman on resurrection charge

May 16, 2014 6:06 pm
Dozens of police on Friday afternoon were surrounding a condominium in Silom where Satish Sehgal, a leading Indian businessman; lived.

Satish Segal is one of anti-government rally leaders who were issued arrest warrant on insurrection charge.

A police was quoted as saying that Satish should surrender or face deportation.

Criminal Court on Wednesday approved arrest warrants requested by Department of Special Investigation on 30 core leaders of People’s Democratic Reform Committee, including Satish.

Satish, a former chairman of Thai-Indian Chamber of Commerce, was criticised of being a leader of PDRC after he appeared on rally stage. However he denied the charges. He faced deportation if charged.

A witness said people who lived in the areas came out in their attempt to help Satish by blocking police with their vehicles.
- See more at: http://www.nation...33834.html

Satish Sehgal: I have done nothing wrong

On Feb 2014, the Centre for Maintaining Peace and Order gave an order to deport Satish Sehgal, chairman of the Thai-Indian Business Association, from Thailand for his participation in anti-government protests. The Civil Court later issued an injunction against the CMPO's expulsion order. The court set May 26 for the hearing process to start. Mr Sehgal insists he is innocent and explains his true motives behind his involvement with the People's Democratic Reform Committee. (Video by Chumporn Sangvilert & Nattawat Watanasuwan)

Redigeret af yindee d. 16-05-2014 13:37

Oprettet af M55 d. 18-05-2014 03:22

Some senators' met Thaksin

Some senators met former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra in Singapore a few days ago, according to Phirasak Porchit, the deputy speaker-elect of the Upper House.

However, he said he did not know what the meeting was about

Mr Phirasak was responding on Saturday to claims by anti-government protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban that Thaksin had bribed some senators to block attempts to nominate an interim prime minister.

Mr Suthep alleged that Thaksin had given 35 senators 200 million baht each to stop backing the demands of the People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC).


Oprettet af skipper d. 18-05-2014 05:17

Og så en glædelig nyhed, hvis det ellers holder stik:


Oprettet af AL 48 d. 19-05-2014 09:53

Om det er en glædelig nyhed ved jeg ikke, - for hvad kommer bagefter??:VI

Suthep Say’s He’s Throwing in The Towel on May 27th?
Anti-government protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban at a protest at the Government Complex in Bangkok.

BANGKOK – Thai protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban today set 27 May as deadline to oust the government and said he would surrender to the authorities if he did not succeed in his seven-month-old struggle.

Tuesday 27 May will determine our victory. If millions of people do not show up on that day, I will turn myself in. I will give up whether we win or lose. We have done the best we can and we will accept the outcome,” said Suthep.

Until then, we will dedicate ourselves to this mission and it will end on 27 May. We have been down this road long enough. This movie has been showing for a long time.

Suthep, the People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) secretary-general, said he would spend one final week trying to achieve his goals, after the Senate refused to appoint an interim prime minister following the removal of Yingluck Shinawatra.

“It’s a pity the announcement of the senators on Friday could not give a specific time frame for naming a premier,” Suthep was quoted as saying by the Bangkok Post.

“Unlike them, the people have been in this fight for a long time and they deserve to know when they will succeed.”

He said the “last mission” will start tomorrow and end on 26 May.

Thailand has been in turmoil since November when the anti-government protests flared up. The protests have since claimed 25 lives.

Yingluck was forced to step down after the country’s Constitutional Court on 7 May found her and her nine minister guilty of abuse of power.

Suthep said he would meet representatives of state enterprise unions, retired civil servants tomorrow to draw up plans for the protest during the week.

He said PDRC supporters would visit caretaker cabinet ministers and demand their resignation and added that civil servants would be asked to challenge the authority of ministers by refusing to take their orders.

The government wants elections in July to go ahead, but Suthep insists that an unelected prime minister must implement anti-corruption reforms first.

The anti-government protesters accuse Yingluck of acting as a proxy for her fugitive brother, former premier Thaksin Shinawatra, who was ousted in a coup in 2006.

Thaksin lives in Dubai on a self-exile to avoid jail for a corruption conviction that he says was politically motivated.


Oprettet af M55 d. 19-05-2014 12:10

Al48 skrev: Om det er en glædelig nyhed ved jeg ikke, - for hvad kommer bagefter??

Total kaos når de unge studerende tager over, det er set før, i 1976 hvis jeg husker rigtig

Oprettet af M55 d. 20-05-2014 05:52

Suthep fik ret, det er og var den sidste finale

PDRC begins 'final battle'

Anti-Govt. protesters has begun their 'final battle' to achieve victory by the week's end. Suthep Tuagsuban announced to end the protests on May 26th, whatever the outcome. Video by Pattanapong Hirunard and Thanarak Khunton. Report By Nopnan Ariyawongmanee

Redigeret af M55 d. 20-05-2014 05:57

Oprettet af M55 d. 21-05-2014 04:18

Anti-government protesters rallying in various parts of Ratchadamnoen reiterate the need for national reform and an appointed interim prime minister before an election while the red shirts on Utthayan Road in Buddha Monthon stand firm in their beliefs that an election has to come first and an unelected leader is unacceptable. Despite their conflicting demands and the intensifying tension between them, both sides affirm that resorting to violence is not on their agenda. (Video by Chumporn Sangvilert & Nattawat Watanasuwan)