Debatemne: Thai-Dk Din debat side :: spritkørsel

Oprettet af IT d. 21-05-2011 01:58

Boy, 9, nicked for drink-driving

A SCHOOLBOY aged just nine has been arrested for drink-driving but had to be let go by cops -because he was TOO young.

The lad was breathalysed by police and taken into custody after they spotted him behind the wheel in Cumbria. But they were forced to let him back on the streets as his age meant he was not old enough to be held accountable for his actions. The child, who has not been named, was among thousands of under 18s arrested in the north of England over the past two years.


;) en god gammeldags røvfuld ville være på sin plads

Oprettet af sank d. 21-05-2011 08:51

((1(( Røvfuld går ikke ?? tænk på hvad vil Pedagokkerne sige ? de vil også få trauma :o

Oprettet af AL 48 d. 21-05-2011 11:21

Ja dem har vi sgu meget at "takke" for:(