Antal indlæg: 527 Tilmeldt: 11.09.09 Status: Offline
There are many different varieties of food in Thailand. Every region has its own unique dishes. There are 4 main types of cuisines in Thailand, which come from the north, northeast, middle, and south of Thailand. In the last video I recommended you to visit some tourist places in Chiang Mai which is located in the north of Thailand.
So today, I will show you seven popular northern dishes you should try at least once next tome you visit north of Thailand
Antal indlæg: 527 Tilmeldt: 11.09.09 Status: Offline
Today, I’ll be recommending you eight Thai desserts which consist of coconut milk. So, If you’re a dessert lovers and love the creamy taste of coconut milk, then you might want to take note of the following desserts!