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British Schoolgirls Still Missing in Thailand
#1 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 06-08-2014 17:24
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Antal indlæg: 285
Tilmeldt: 01.12.09
 Status: Offline

More than two months have now passed since British schoolgirls Annie Day (aged 11) and Aleena Day (aged 6) went missing in Thailand. Their father, Robert Day from Sevenoaks in Kent, is absolutely heartbroken. He has been frantically canvassing the areas where they went missing. He has been putting up “missing posters” around town and paying for mobile advertising boards. Robert just came back last night from a visa run to Cambodia to get another 30 day visa. However, with the visa run crackdown about to start in Thailand, the latest worry is that he will be barred from re-entering Thailand if he tries another visa run. Your help is urgently needed to help find these British schoolgirls.

This is Onwarat Suphikunphong, the biological mother of the two girls. She was divorced from Robert Day four years ago and the Thai courts gave Robert custodial care and full parental power for the two girls. They now live permanently in England and attend a local school. Annie (her real name is Ananya) and Aleena have dual citizenship though they traveled to Thailand on a British passport. Thai police have issued a warrant for Onwarat’s arrest for the abduction of the girls.

What can you do to help? Please share this story and pictures on your social network. Maybe also download and print the missing poster to put up in your local area if you live in Chonburi. The last known position for Onwarat’s cell phone was in Siracha, a seaside town between Bangkok and Pattaya. Her family is believed to have come from Bang Pa In district of Ayutthaya. Do you know the Norwegian Tor Eivind Gamlem? He may have answers that will help the investigation. There is a Facebook Page for the missing girls with more photos. Rober Day can be contacted on 090 773 8900 or by email .

se more here http://www.richar...-thailand/
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#2 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 24-08-2014 07:40
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Antal indlæg: 285
Tilmeldt: 01.12.09
 Status: Offline

The two British schoolgirls who went missing in Thailand are now reunited with their father.
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