2 German tourists shot in Phuket
thai |
Skrevet d. 23-01-2013 07:14
Antal indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 03.07.09
Two German tourists were shot and wounded overnight near Patong Beach in Phuket province and the gunman, reported to be an Australian, has been detained by police
Phuket police on Tuesday night received a report of a shooting in front of Phuket Beach hotel in tambon Patong in Krathu district.
The incident took place near a night entertainment quarter packed with tourists. Police sent to the scene learned on arrival that the two victims had already been taken to hospital. They were later identified as Johann Baschenegger and Joseph Werner.
A bullet went through Mr Werner's right arm and he was deemed to be critical condition. Mr Baschenegger was also hit in the right arm by a bullet from a pistol of unknown calibre.
The gunman was described as a large Westerner who fled the scene after the shooting.
Mr Baschenegger had arrived in Phuket the night before. Investigators believe that he was mistakenly shot and are reviewing footage from surrounding CCTV cameras.
According to the latest report, the shooter is now in police custody. He is reported to be an Australian man who attempted to shoot a Dane over a business dispute, but unintentionally hit the two Germans.
According to another report, police were told that there was an argument about payment for a motorcycle by two Westerners and one of them fired a gun but he missed the intended target.
http://www.bangko...-in-phuket |
per1234 |
Skrevet d. 24-01-2013 00:15
Antal indlæg: 857
Tilmeldt: 19.12.11
Dansker indblandet i skud-drama i Phuket
To australske mænd anholdt
En dansk mand har angiveligt været indblandet i et blodigt skuddrama i ferieparadiset Phuket i Thailand.
I følge nyhedsbureauet AP er to australske mænd blevet anholdt. De var kommet i diskussion med danskeren om en motorcykel. Pludselig trak den ene australier et våben og affyrede flere skud.
Tyskere ramt af kuglerne
To tyske mænd på 42 og 71 år blev helt tilfældigt ramt af kuglerne. Ifølge flere medier er den ene tysker blevet livsfarligt kvæstet, mens den anden er uden for livsfare.
Det har ikke været muligt at få disse oplysninger bekræftet.
Medlem af motorcykel-bande
Der er ingen nærmere oplysninger om danskerens tilstand og hvad hans rolle iøvrigt er i sagen.
Australierne John Edward Cohen, 33, og Adam Lewis Shea, 26, tilhører ifølge flere medier en motorcykelbande.
Politiet i Thailand har som vanligt tilladt pressen at fotografere de anholdte - blandt andet da de bliver undersøgt for krudtslam på hænderne.
Flygter ind i reception
Politiet har også offentliggjort en overvågningsvideo fra en hotelreception. Her kommer de to australiere ind og viser et fotografi til receptionisten. De forlader stedet og kort efter kommer to mænd løbende ind i receptionen.
Disse mænd er angiveligt de to tyskere efter at der er skudt på dem.''
http://ekstrablad...904659.ece |
thai |
Skrevet d. 24-01-2013 12:30
Antal indlæg: 3411
Tilmeldt: 03.07.09
yindee |
Skrevet d. 25-01-2013 02:42
Antal indlæg: 3631
Tilmeldt: 20.02.09
hej husker du den her historie hvor hovedpersonen hed Dennis Danish Man Detained in Pattaya after Phuket Bike Scam http://www.thai-d...post_25712
måske kan den kædes sammen med den nye sag citat fra http://phuketwan....ong-17482/
Early last month, Mr Cohen went to Patong police to complain that a Danish man named Dennis had rented a motorcycle from him but had not paid the bill for two months' rent.
deres navne er Dennis de er fra danmark og har glem at betale leje for en motorcykel |
AL 48 |
Skrevet d. 25-01-2013 03:36
Antal indlæg: 1814
Tilmeldt: 17.03.11
yindee skrev:
hej husker du den her historie hvor hovedpersonen hed Dennis Danish Man Detained in Pattaya after Phuket Bike Scam http://www.thai-d...post_25712
måske kan den kædes sammen med den nye sag citat fra http://phuketwan....ong-17482/
Early last month, Mr Cohen went to Patong police to complain that a Danish man named Dennis had rented a motorcycle from him but had not paid the bill for two months' rent.
deres navne er Dennis de er fra danmark og har glem at betale leje for en motorcykel
Ja,-det er jo nærliggende at tro det er én og samme mand der er på spil.
Han kommer nok alvorligt "til skade", nu da han har bevæget sig ud hvor kuglerne fløjter i luften |
yindee |
Skrevet d. 25-01-2013 14:14
Antal indlæg: 3631
Tilmeldt: 20.02.09
AL 48 skrev:
yindee skrev:
hej husker du den her historie hvor hovedpersonen hed Dennis Danish Man Detained in Pattaya after Phuket Bike Scam http://www.thai-d...post_25712
måske kan den kædes sammen med den nye sag citat fra http://phuketwan....ong-17482/
Early last month, Mr Cohen went to Patong police to complain that a Danish man named Dennis had rented a motorcycle from him but had not paid the bill for two months' rent.
deres navne er Dennis de er fra danmark og har glem at betale leje for en motorcykel
Ja,-det er jo nærliggende at tro det er én og samme mand der er på spil.
Han kommer nok alvorligt "til skade", nu da han har bevæget sig ud hvor kuglerne fløjter i luften
Phuket Police search for drive-by target ‘Dannie’ Knudsen
PHUKET: Patong Police are searching for Danish national Dennis Mark Knudsen, 24, the intended target in the drive-by shooting in Patong on Tuesday night that saw two German tourists accidentally wounded (story here).
The news follows Australians John Cohen, 32, and Adam Shea, 26, opening fire in Soi Sansabai, near the tourist-popular Soi Bangla.
Their intended target was a man initially named by police only as “Dannie”. However, police yesterday confirmed that the man’s real name is Dennis Knudsen.
“We have been informed that ‘Dannie’ is a Danish national and that his real name is Dennis Knudsen,” Patong Police Deputy Superintendent Akanit Danpitaksat told the Phuket Gazette.
“Apparently he also has identification documents issued in the name of Mike Chilli,” he added.
However, Lt Col Akanit told the Gazette this morning that Mr Knudsen is wanted only for breaking bail conditions. Police are not looking to question him over the street shooting episode.
“Since he failed to turn up in court on Tuesday, the Phuket Provincial Court has notified us that he is now wanted by the court for breaking conditions of his bail,” Col Akanit said.
Mr Knudsen was to appear at Phuket Provincial Court to resolve a dispute with the two Australians Mr Cohen and Mr Shea about a “big bike” worth about 300,000 baht.
He apparently rented the motorbike, but later sold it.
Mr Knudsen was arrested by Pattaya Police on September 20, 2012 on outstanding embezzlement charges. The warrant, number 432/2555, was issued by the Phuket Provincial Court on August 27, 2012.
After his arrest by police in Pattaya last year, Mr Knudsen was handed over to the Patong Police.
“Our investigation focuses only on the shooting incident. We have arrested the two suspects and we have their statements. We are now ready to transfer the case to the public prosecutor,” Col Akanit said.
“The dispute over the [alleged] embezzlement is a separate case to be resolved as a civil matter in the court,” he added.
Meanwhile, Mr Cohen and Mr Shea are being detained in Phuket Provincial Prison awaiting trial.
They have both been charged with attempted murder for Tuesday’s failed assassination of Mr Knudsen.
http://www.phuket...20050.html |