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#1 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 19-12-2012 23:25
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Antal indlæg: 303
Tilmeldt: 23.10.09
 Status: Offline

Morbidly obese second-hand car salesman loses 23 STONE after moving to Thailand to learn kickboxing
James Mason, from Essex, was 39 stone when doctors told him he had five years to live
By the time he was 27, he was wearing XXXXXXXXL clothes and trousers with a 58-inch waist
But now, thanks to a Thai boxing camp, he is less than half the man he was
In 2011, James Mason was so dangerously obese he was given just five years to live. But he quickly changed his life around by packing up and moving to a Thai boxing camp
By the time he was 27 he was wearing XXXXXXXXL clothes and trousers with a 58-inch waist

Mr Mason admitted his weight crept up as he regularly binged on greasy, fried food and meals out while working as a second-hand car salesman.

By the time he was 27 he was wearing XXXXXXXXL clothes and trousers with a 58-inch waist.

His health was extremely poor and his weight was causing a host of ailments, including breathing trouble, swollen legs and other serious physical problems.

After the stark diagnosis, Mr Mason turned to the internet for help.

He found training camp Tiger Muay Thai in Phuket,Thailand, booked a flight, and took the drastic decision to leave his job and move to the country


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