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390 Millioner Baht i klædeskabet :-D
#1 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 18-11-2011 08:38
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Undskyld hvis jeg stjæler fra dig thai, men den her er sgu for sjov griner

I morges i nyhederne på Tv 3 viste de billeder fra en anholdelse af 2 tyve der var brudt ind hos Supoj Saplom der er ansat som sekretær i Transportministeriet, og havde, indrømmede de sammen med 4 andre, altså 6 mænd ialt, stjålet 200 Millioner Bht. Der var så mange penge, og de fyldte så meget at de måtte lade 190 Millioner Baht ligge inden de stak af med byttet. Pengene lå i et klædeskab og ikke i boks eller andet, de 2 nu anholdte tyve var ærlige, og sagde at de simpelthen ikke kunne slæbe mere skaal

Supoj Saplom sad og var sgu ikke særlig stolt over at være i Tv som de 2 tyve, måske var det tanken om hvad der nu skete når offentligheden hørte om hans mange penge.

Og det er hvad der sker nu.

Supoj to face graft probe linked to burglary

The National Anti Corruption Commission is to launch a graft probe against Transport permanent secretary Supoj Saplom on suspicion of unusual wealth, NACC member Klanarong Chantik said on Friday.

The probe is in connection with the testimonies of two burglar suspects who confessed to stealing Bt200 million in cash after breaking into Supoj's home, Klanarong said.

He said the probe would focus on three issues - whether Supoj filed false asset statement, whether he stashed ill-gotten gains and whether he was involved in irregularities.

Reacting to the probe, Supoj said he was smeared by the burglar suspects who claimed he might have hidden as mush as Bt1 billion at his home.

"The claim to have stolen Bt200 million is not true because I don't have that much money," he said.
He said it was impossible to hide Bt200 million or Bt1 billion at his home.

In earlier reports, he gave the police statement that he found Bt5 million cash missing following the break-in of his home.
Police held a press conference to unmask two of five suspects who had Bt2.8 million between them at the time of arrest.


Læg mærke til hans udtalelser der vist er noget modstridende, han har i en underskreven erklæring afleveret til politiet, sagt at han slet ikke har så mange penge, og så stort et beløb, ja selv en million ville være umuligt at gemme i huset. Og så fortæller han at der var forsvundet 5 millioner i samme åndedrag, mærkeligt ved ikke

Og ikke i forbindelse med den her sag, var Tv 3 blevet kontaktet af regeringen der var meget utilfredse med Tv 3's dækning af oversvømmelserne. Det skulle være slut med at vise folk i nød, folk der ikke har kunne bruge deres huse i snart 2 måneder, folk der dagligt sidder grædende på Tv og fortæller hvordan de har mistet alt, altså kun billeder af smilende glade mennesker

Fy for fanden hvor er det usmageligt Sad
Hav en god dag.

Med Venlig Hilsen.

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#2 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 18-11-2011 09:59
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I morges i nyhederne på Tv 3 viste de billeder fra en anholdelse af 2 tyve der var brudt ind hos Supoj Saplom der er ansat som sekretær i Transportministeriet, og havde, indrømmede de sammen med 4 andre, altså 6 mænd ialt, stjålet 200 Millioner Bht. Der var så mange penge, og de fyldte så meget at de måtte lade 190 Millioner Baht ligge inden de stak af med byttet. Pengene lå i et klædeskab og ikke i boks eller andet, de 2 nu anholdte tyve var ærlige, og sagde at de simpelthen ikke kunne slæbe mere

enhver stats ansat har pligt til at passe på statens penge.Det er hvad han har gjort, hverken mere eller mindre
Isan is the poorest region of Thailand: in 2002 average wages were the ... Isan (Isan/Thai: อีสาน; also written as Isaan, Isarn, Issan, ...
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#3 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 19-11-2011 01:30
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de er nu sjove de thailænder mere nyt i

Top transport official moved, faces probes

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#4 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 19-11-2011 08:58
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manden er det, de kalder Permanent transport secretary

utroligt siger jeg bare hvis en almindelig stats ansat, kan passe på så mange penge, hvor mange penge har hans chef, så ikke i hans klædeskab Shock
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#5 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 22-11-2011 02:45
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han har fået nyt navn

The 100 million baht man
Police say it is certain that at least 100 million in cash was taken by a robbery gang from the home (above) of Transport Ministry permanent secretary Supoj Saplom - and anti-graft investigators wonder if it is possible he is unusually wealthy

NAAC to consider Supoj probe today

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#6 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 22-11-2011 10:35
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nu er han anklaget for at være usandsynlig rig, godt de ikke kiggede i mit klædeskab,

NACC launches graft probe on Suphoth
The Nation November 22, 2011 4:07 am
The National Anti Corruption Commission on Tuesday launched a graft probe on Transport permanent secretary Suphoth Sublom on suspicion of unusual wealth and impounded Bt15 million cash pending the probe outcome.

"The probe has stemmed from an unusually large amount of cash stolen from Suphoth's home," NACC secretary general Apinan Isarangura na Ayuthaya said.

The probe panel will be jointly led by two NACC members, Jaided Pornchaiya and Preecha Lertkamolmart, he said.

The police discovery of more than Bt15 million in stolen cash was cause to suspect foul play as to why Suphoth had come into the possession of the funds, he said.

Suphoth did not report any changes in his net worth to the amount of Bt15 million since assuming office in 2010, he said.

The probe panel would focus on anwering three questions - whether Suphoth has filed a false asset statement, whether he has amassed ill-gotten gains, and whether he is involved in any irrgularities.

The panel has the mandate to check into Suphoth's assets without having to seek the cooperation of the Anti Money Laundering Office.

Suphoth is expected to be summoned to give his statement on his involvement with the cash. The police report on the break-in of Suphoth's home on November 12 would be factored in the graft probe.

Under the anti-graft law, the NACC has the mandate to grant immunity to suspects who agreed to become the prosecution witnesses in a graft trial.

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#7 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 25-05-2012 07:23
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Tag den kammerat driller

Unusual riches case now goes to Attorney General

The National Anti-Corruption Commission has found former transport permanent secretary Supoj Saplom to be unusually wealthy.

Supoj: B17.5m cash, gold face seizure

Mr Supoj failed to explain to the graftbusting agency how he had acquired most of the 18 million baht stolen from his home and later recovered by police from suspected robbers.

Klanarong Chanthik, NACC member and the agency spokesman, said the majority of the NACC members agreed at Thursday's meeting to ask the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) to seize 17.5 million baht and 10 baht weight of gold ornaments as state property.

A gang of robbers broke into Mr Supoj's home in Wang Thong Lang district of Bangkok on the night of Nov 12 last year and made off with a large amount of cash when he was attending his daughter's wedding at a Bangkok hotel.

Mr Supoj told police 5 million baht was stolen. But when two suspects were arrested three days later, they told police they saw cash amounting to between 700 million and one billion baht in his home, far more than they could carry away.

When seven more suspected accomplices were arrested, police recovered about 18 million baht from them. Police said the suspects had used some of the stolen money to buy the gold ornaments.

The nine suspects have been charged in connection with the Nov 12 robbery.

Three other suspects with warrants out for their arrest are still on the run.

Mr Klanarong said the nine arrested suspects had given consistent accounts of the robbery and they did not know Mr Supoj personally.

The NACC concluded that the 18 million baht belonged to Mr Supoj.

The NACC agreed that only 560,000 baht of the haul could be accounted for as money received as part of Mr Supoj's daughter's dowry.

The NACC agreed that the rest of the cash and gold were part of Mr Supoj's unusual wealth.

Mr Klanarong said the NACC after examining the evidence had agreed to forward the case to the OAG, requesting it seize the money and gold as state property.

Mr Supoj, who has resigned as transport permanent secretary, is also being investigated by the NACC for suspected corruption and for submitting an allegedly false assets and liabilities declaration to the NACC.

If the NACC finds the evidence compelling, it will forward the case to the OAG, which could press criminal charges against Mr Supoj.

Mr Supoj on Thursday declined to comment on the NACC's decision. He said he wanted to keep a low profile at the moment.

Transport Minister Jarupong Ruangsuwan said the ministry was ready to launch its own investigation in the wake of the NACC's ruling. The ministry will appoint a committee to investigate the matter after it receives the results of the NACC's findings in the case, Mr Jarupong said.

He said Mr Supoj will retire and receive a state pension after his resignation becomes official and, as such, he can be disciplined if he is later found guilty of corruption.

Mr Jarupong said a new permanent secretary will be appointed only after Mr Supoj's resignation receives royal endorsement.

Mr Jarupong on Monday approved Mr Supoj's resignation.

The ministry is seeking a royal command for Mr Supoj's resignation through the secretariat of the cabinet, Mr Jarupong said.

Hav en god dag.

Med Venlig Hilsen.

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#8 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 25-05-2012 17:35
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Ikke SE Ja ja pas i på hjemmerøverne i to lotto meloner Krokodille
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#9 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 24-07-2012 14:35
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Så skulle der vist være faldet dom i sagen !!

64.7 millioner Bht får han konfiskeret den slyngel drillerdriller

I kan læse meget mere her.


Hav en god dag.

Med Venlig Hilsen.

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#10 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 24-07-2012 14:52
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lidt retfærdighed er der til, det var en af mange som snyder det thailandske samfund

der er mange flere på listen , forsat god jagtThumb
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