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Do you or don't you get it, Ma'am?
I don't think the Japanese will get it, Madam Prime Minister.
The Japanese who bore the devastating effects of the tsunami and the nuclear leak earlier this year with fortitude and soldiered on to solve whatever problems were thrown at them, with quiet efficiency and perseverance. They won't understand why has there been so much confusion and lack of coherence in our battling the floods.
In case you were too busy to notice, the Japanese prime minister at the time, Naoto Kan, later offered his resignation because people perceived his government as lacking in leadership and too slow in coordinating recovery response.
In case you haven't noticed, Madam Prime Minister, Mr Kan was relatively new in his job, too: he was in office only nine months before the tsunami struck.
read more http://www.bangko...t-it-ma-am
Government on the back foot
Evacuation of workers from sixth industrial estate raises fears, Yingluck govt may not be able to prevent Bangkok from being swamped
The breaching of Thailand's first industrial estate - one of the country's biggest - by menacing flood water has put the Yingluck government on the back foot again and forced re-evaluation of the disaster, which seemed to have stabilised in recent days.
read more http://www.nation...67922.html
Nakhon Sawan needs medicine, blankets
Rain continues to fall in Nakhon Sawan. Cool weather from China is blowing in. Flood refugees need blankets and medicine.
A doctor at a refuge centre in Nakhon Sawan reveals that the weather is cooling and many children begin to catch cold. The centre lacks basic medicine such as cough medicine, pampers, and blankets.
Food is available but other necessities are still lacking. Donations are welcome.
In related news, Nakhon Sawan Municipality has successfully plugged the leaked wall but the water is too high to pump out. The water in Nakhon Sawan recedes 20-30 centimetres. The municipality's priority is to pump the water out of the City Hall. http://www.bangko...e-blankets
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