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Thais living beyond means
#1 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 01-10-2011 12:46
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Tilmeldt: 20.02.09
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,thaier lever over evne, nå siger jeg bare det gør hele verden er alligevel lidt rystet over forholdene

Most Thai adults are at high risk of bankruptcy because they spend more than they earn, and even those who spend within their means are courting financial disaster, according to the results of an Abac Poll released yesterday.

The poll was conducted between Aug 15 and yesterday and involved 2,764 people aged 18 years or older in 12 provinces. It found the average income of people polled was 11,300 baht per month, while their personal expenses each month averaged 9,197.99 baht.

This meant most of them were at continual risk of bankruptcy as they had to resort to underground loans for other expenses as their regular expenditure was more than 80% of their monthly income, the Abac Poll centre said.

The top three expenses for these people are food at an average of 5,222 baht a month, followed by daily transportation at 3,790 baht, while entertainment such as movies, concerts and sports account for 1,416.67 baht.

Those earning between 3,001-5,000 baht per month had a total monthly expenditure of 6,522.04 baht on average. And those who earn less than 3,000 baht a month were found to spend more than twice their earnings at 6,513.06 a month. One quarter of those polled fell into these pay bands.

The survey found that people who earn more than 75,000 baht tend to live a more comfortable life as their monthly expenses stand at 34,471.37.

However, this group of people constitutes only 10% of the general population and 5% of those polled.

The great majority, 76%, of those polled earned less than 15,000 baht per month.

Of the people in this income bracket, 75.6% had no savings.

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#2 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 01-10-2011 13:20
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Antal indlæg: 162
Tilmeldt: 21.05.09
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yindee skrev:
,thaier lever over evne, nå siger jeg bare det gør hele verden er alligevel lidt rystet over forholdene

Most Thai adults are at high risk of bankruptcy because they spend more than they earn, and even those who spend within their means are courting financial disaster, according to the results of an Abac Poll released yesterday.

The poll was conducted between Aug 15 and yesterday and involved 2,764 people aged 18 years or older in 12 provinces. It found the average income of people polled was 11,300 baht per month, while their personal expenses each month averaged 9,197.99 baht.

This meant most of them were at continual risk of bankruptcy as they had to resort to underground loans for other expenses as their regular expenditure was more than 80% of their monthly income, the Abac Poll centre said.

The top three expenses for these people are food at an average of 5,222 baht a month, followed by daily transportation at 3,790 baht, while entertainment such as movies, concerts and sports account for 1,416.67 baht.

Those earning between 3,001-5,000 baht per month had a total monthly expenditure of 6,522.04 baht on average. And those who earn less than 3,000 baht a month were found to spend more than twice their earnings at 6,513.06 a month. One quarter of those polled fell into these pay bands.

The survey found that people who earn more than 75,000 baht tend to live a more comfortable life as their monthly expenses stand at 34,471.37.

However, this group of people constitutes only 10% of the general population and 5% of those polled.

The great majority, 76%, of those polled earned less than 15,000 baht per month.

Of the people in this income bracket, 75.6% had no savings.


Ja, jeg læste også lige artiklen hos Bangkok Post, og det er mit indtryk fra min omgangskreds i Thailand, at rigtig mange lever over evne.
De låner i dag, og glemmer, at pengene skal betales tilbage med renters rente.

Og långiverne tager sig godt betalt. Hvis man f.eks. får et lån til køb af bil hos et financieringsselskab, så beregner de renteudgiften i lånets løbetid, f.eks. 5 år.
Hvis så kunden får mulighed for at indfri lånet efter 2 år, skal der stadig betales det oprindelige rentebeløb udregnet på de 5 år!

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#3 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 01-10-2011 14:32
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Antal indlæg: 1019
Tilmeldt: 07.06.09
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thai-er lever over evne måske ikke alle men mange har set det i landsbyen hvor familien bor

kineser lån er dyre familien låner lystig hele tiden vi er stoppet med at hjælpe
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