Antal indlæg: 3411 Tilmeldt: 03.07.09 Status: Offline
Second bomb in a month near King Power complex seriously injures a guard
A security guard was seriously injured when a bomb went off at an entrance of King Power building complex on the Soi Rang Nam side late last night, police said.
It was not immediately clear what type of the bomb was used in the second attack in the same area in less than a month, or whether it was thrown or fired at the target.
King Power has strong political connections with the Bhum Jai Thai Party. There was no substantial damage to the building complex during the 11 pm attack but the security guard was said to be seriously injured in the head. He was immediately taken to a hospital.
King Power has made international news over the past two weeks with its takeover of the Leicester City Football Club in the UK. The takeover is awaiting final approval from the British football authorities.
Reports that police have taken one suspect, a man aged between 20-30 for qustioning, could not be immediately confirmed. The area was immediately sealed off. Neither were reports about police attempts to defuse another bomb that did not explode.
On July 30, another explosion occurred some 100-150 metres from the site of the latest attack. In the July incident, a grenade wrapped with rubber bands was planted in a garbage bin. Gasoline drops were used to gradually tear the rubber bands off.
King Power belongs to Vichai Raksriaksorn, close friend of Newin Chidchob, who is the most powerful man in the Bhum Jai Thai Party.
King power has entrances and exits on the Soi Rangnam side as well as on Sri Ayuthaya Rd.
Anden bombe i en måned nær King Power kompleks alvorligt skader en vagt
En sikkerhedsvagt blev alvorligt såret, da en bombe gik af ved en indgang af King Power bygningskompleks på Soi Rang Nam side sent i aftes, oplyser politiet.
Det var ikke umiddelbart klart, hvilken type af bombe blev brugt i andet angreb i samme område på mindre end en måned, eller om det var kastet eller affyret mod målet.
King Power har stærke politiske forbindelser med Bhum Jai Thai part. Der var ingen betydelig skade på bygningerne i løbet af 11:00 angreb, men sikkerhedsvagten sagdes at være alvorligt såret i hovedet. Han blev straks kørt til et hospital.
King Power har gjort internationale nyheder i løbet af de seneste to uger med overtagelsen af den Leicester City Football Club i England. Overtagelsen afventer endelig godkendelse fra de britiske fodboldforbund.
Rapporter, at politiet har taget en mistænkt, en mand i alderen mellem 20-30 for qustioning, kunne ikke umiddelbart bekræftes. Området blev straks afspærret. Hverken var rapporter om politiets forsøg på at afdramatisere en anden bombe, der ikke eksploderer.
Den 30. juli skete en eksplosion nogle 100-150 meter fra det sted, de seneste angreb. I juli hændelse, indpakket en granat med elastikker var plantet i en skraldespand. Benzin dråber blev brugt til at gradvist rive elastikker off.
King Power tilhører Vichai Raksriaksorn, nær ven af Newin Chidchob, som er den mest magtfulde mand i Bhum Jai Thai part.
King magt har indgange og udgange på Soi Rangnam side såvel som på Sri Ayuthaya Rd.
Antal indlæg: 133 Tilmeldt: 29.06.10 Status: Offline
der blev i dag igen affyret en granart
An assailant fired an M79 grenade at the NBT station Tuesday afternoon. The grenade landed at the parking area at 1:25 pm.
A news vehicle was damaged but no one was injured.
INN reported that the grenade appeared to have been fired from the Don Mueng Tollway.
Upon learning of the bomb attack, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajia instructed PM's Office Minister Ong-arj Klampaibul to rush to inspect the scene and take care of the station.
On March 27, an M79 grenade was fired into the NBT compound. The bomb exploded at the tent where soldiers were on guard, wounding 4 troops.