Antal indlæg: 3631 Tilmeldt: 20.02.09 Status: Offline
Thailand: Monk Arrested Selling Cats Dressed as Tigers
Thai police have confiscated approximately 200 animal skins from a temple in Thailand's North Eastern province of Nakhon Ratchasima. The abbot had been skinning the animals, believed to be mainly domestic cats and dogs, before dying them to resemble that of a tiger and selling them to the public as religious charms.
Nakhon Ratchasima, 23rd of February 2010 [PDN]: Acting on a tip off from locals who saw a suspicious number of animal skins being dried in Wat Simalai Songdhamma, officers from the Department of National Parks Wildlife and Plant Conservation (DNP) seized 204 animal pelts from a temple in Pak Chong District.
Initially the skins appeared to be those of tigers and other big cats, but closer examination by experts revealed there to be only one leopard skin and five skins from other cat species along with one crocodile skin. The others were found to be dog and cattle skins painted with stripes to resemble tigers.
Antal indlæg: 1828 Tilmeldt: 05.10.09 Status: Offline
Mener det var sidste År der var en Munk der blev arresteret for at overnatte hos en letlevende ung Dame ? han blev kørt til Templet og hjemsendt til spot og spe ? der har muligvis været Overtryg