Antal indlæg: 3349 Tilmeldt: 03.07.09 Status: Offline
Fodbold-dreng fra grottedrama død
Duangpetch Promthep blev søndag fundet bevidstløs på sit kollegieværelse, hvor han gik på et fodboldakademi i byen Leicestershire, hvor han blev indlagt på hospitalet. Tre dage efter døde han.
Det fremgår ikke af mediet, hvad dødsårsagen er.
Promthep fyldte 13 år, mens han sad fanget i grotten tilbage i 2018 med 11 holdkammerater. Han var anfører for holdet.
Antal indlæg: 857 Tilmeldt: 19.12.11 Status: Offline
The death of teenage footballer Duangphet “Dom’’ Phromthep came as a shock to his family and friends when the announcement came through this morning.
The cause of death remains unclear at this time. Unconfirmed reports in British media said he sustained a head injury. He had signed up for the Brooke House College Football Academy in Leicester, England, last year.
He was one of the 13 young men who were rescued from the Tham Luang Caves back in July 2018 after they wandered in after football practice on June 23. Fierce rains flooded the cave so they couldn't get out. The search and subsequent rescue captured the imagination of the world and has been retold in several movies and documentaries.