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Ny musik video med Take That
#21 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 21-10-2010 17:01
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Sad Pensionist Blus :P nej jeg holder med yindee Hardy og Johnny det ved man hvad er sarcasm
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#22 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 21-10-2010 17:06

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Tak pen så fik jeg lige den roy rogers øøøj han er god
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#23 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 21-10-2010 17:07

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Ja sank du skal bare holde dig til osvald helmut
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#24 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 21-10-2010 19:07
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Tak for den fine musik drenge.
Det passede fint med mine nyindkøbte højtalere der kostede mig ca. 7 kasser Guld-Tuborg (svensk pris)

Men lyden var formidabel, hunden gik i ekstase og parrede sig med mine ligeledes nyindkøbte pelsforede vinterstøvler.
Hvem af jer skal jeg sende regningen til?
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#25 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 21-10-2010 19:30

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Du kan sende den til yindee driller

Men ellers utroligt en tråd der starter med take that indebær at jeg får den nye med Roy Rogers Tak pen
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#26 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 21-10-2010 19:53
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jsh71 skrev:

Fed musik jsh71.
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#27 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 21-10-2010 20:26


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#28 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 21-10-2010 20:29


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drafi han gik desværre til i druk, men de nåede at lave flere gode.
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#29 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 22-10-2010 09:59

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Her pen, det nok den bedste udgave af det her nummer, prøv og nyd når duane allmann spiller slide Det så man får gåsehud over hele kroppen.

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#30 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 22-10-2010 19:46
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Det skal ikke være en hemmelighed at The Dubliners er blandt mine favoritter, her er en af dem.
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#31 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 23-10-2010 00:56
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Tilmeldt: 24.10.09
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Havde lige et par 'hviledage' driller

Ja der findes dælme meget go musik, især det gamle af slagsen hvor folk rent faktisk kunne spille på et instrument var godt.

Men at gå i hegnet og høre Morten Koch musik fra morgen til aften som de gamle drenge herinde, nej tak, det er for tidligt griner

Men gudskelov findes der folk som Jsh der ved hvad ordentlig musik er music

Jeg lægger en liste op med min Mp3 blues så du kan vælge hvad du vil høre, jeg skal bare lige falde ned på jorden igen !!!

I mellemtiden kan i lytte til Steve Miller Band som måske kan redde mig fra et sagsanlæg fra Skipper griner


Hav en god dag.

Med Venlig Hilsen.

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#32 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 23-10-2010 06:57
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pensionisten skrev:
Havde lige et par 'hviledage' driller

Ja der findes dælme meget go musik, især det gamle af slagsen hvor folk rent faktisk kunne spille på et instrument var godt.

Men at gå i hegnet og høre Morten Koch musik fra morgen til aften som de gamle drenge herinde, nej tak, det er for tidligt griner

Men gudskelov findes der folk som Jsh der ved hvad ordentlig musik er music

Jeg lægger en liste op med min Mp3 blues så du kan vælge hvad du vil høre, jeg skal bare lige falde ned på jorden igen !!!

I mellemtiden kan i lytte til Steve Miller Band som måske kan redde mig fra et sagsanlæg fra Skipper griner


Uha uha Pensionisten, det var en grim ørevrider, faktisk noget af det værste jeg længe har hørt.
"Musikken" er ikke menneskeskabt, men er et produkt af skæve teknikere der har bappet for meget sjov tobak.
God musik skal være frembragt af kunstneren selv, og hans medbragte instrumenter, desuden skal den have et budskab alle kan forstå, jeg vil foreslå denne, selvom du sidder i Thailand og nok ikke har så meget af det:

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#33 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 23-10-2010 08:54

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Hov hov skipper du skal ikke genere Steve Miller bandAngry

Jeg vil give dig ret i numret ikke er et hans bedste, men han har sgu da selv lavet det og skrevet det.
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#34 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 23-10-2010 08:57

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Ps ham norton buffalo døde desværre her for nogle måneder siden

R.I.P. Norton
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#35 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 23-10-2010 09:53

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Hov hov skipper nu skriver du at musikken skal laves af folk selv, også kommer du med sådan et elendigt nummer med nalle, Ellers synd han laver det nummer for han kan sgu godt synge, det så jeg på charley for et stykke tid siden, der overraskede han mig sgu. Men det der nummer du kom med også det han blev berømt på amanda, det er efter min mening så elendigt, men sådan er musik jo heldigvis smag og behag. Men så har jeg mere respekt for dine dubliners de er gode.

Ps og sammenligne Steve Miller med nalle, der burde være dødsstraf sådan af la stening på torvetgriner
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#36 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 23-10-2010 10:10
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Tilmeldt: 24.10.09
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Tak for det Jsh Thumb

For vi er selvfølgelig enige om den efterkrigs musik de her gamle gutter læner sig op ad er YT !!!!!!!

Ja jeg ved godt det kan være farligt at skrive sådan, med telefoniske trusler fra Jannik fordi han vil have indført de gamle 78'ere igen og påstår han kender 1 der har gået tur med Skippers hund i vrede over min musik smag, og Skippers snak om erstatning er hård kost kat

Så dagens video er selvfølgelig også Blues, og her kunne jeg bruge jeres hjælp !!!

Kunstneren hedder Alan Haynes og er en gudsbenådet guitarspiller som jeg har oplevet live 1 gang i Mojo hvor han gav en 5 timer lang koncert !!!

For hulen det var godt hej

Klippet er fra Cafe Frederiksberg og ser professionelt ud med skiftet mellem de 3 kameraer, så DVD'en findes derude er jeg sikker på. Så hvis nogen af jer kender noget til det, må i meget gerne fortælle om det, så den kan indlemmes i samlingen Thumb

Hav en god dag.

Med Venlig Hilsen.

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#37 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 23-10-2010 10:19

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Kender ikke ham der Alan haynes, men det gør jeg heldigvis nu, han er rigtig god.
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#38 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 23-10-2010 11:39

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Hvis du installerre realplayer kan du downloade videoerne på you tube, men efter hvad jeg kan forstå på det skal man bruge internet explore for at kunne gøre det, jeg kan i hvert ikke på firefox.
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#39 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 23-10-2010 11:47
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Nu ska far her hjælpe dig Jsh griner

Du åbner såmænd bare Google i en eller anden browser og skriver YouTube downloader, så griber du bare den fra YouTube, og alle dine problemer er overstået Thumb

Dagens Tip ((2((

Hav en god dag.

Med Venlig Hilsen.

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#40 Udskriv indlæg
Skrevet d. 23-10-2010 11:51
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Se på listen her Jsh, og jeg er sikker på at der er mange du ikke kender drillerskaal


Dirlister output for directory:
G:\Mp3 Blues\*.*
Total files: 29046 (182.3GB)

G:\Mp3 Blues\ZZ Top\XXX\
01 - Poke Chop Sandwich.mp3
02 - Crucifixx-A-Flatt.mp3
03 - Fearless Boogie.mp3
04 - 36-22-36.mp3
05 - Made Into A Movie.mp3
06 - Beatbox.mp3
07 - Trippin'.mp3
08 - Dreadmonboogaloo.mp3
09 - Live Intro By Ross Mitchell.mp3
10 - Sinpusher (live).mp3
11 - (Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear (live).mp3
12 - Hey Mr. Millionaire (live).mp3
13 - Belt Buckle (live).mp3

G:\Mp3 Blues\ZZ Top\Tres Hombres\
01. Waitin' For The Bus.mp3
02 - Jesus Just Left Chicago.mp3
03 - Beer Drinkers & Hell Raisers.mp3
04 - Master Of Sparks.mp3
05 - Hot, Blue And Righteous.mp3
06 - Move Me On Down The Line.mp3
07 - Precious And Grace.mp3
08 - La Grange.mp3
09 - Shiek.mp3
10 - Have You Heard.mp3

G:\Mp3 Blues\ZZ Top\The Very Best Of CD 2\
01 - Cheap Sunglasses (Live).mp3
02 - Doubleback.mp3
03 - Gimme All Your Lovin'.mp3
04 - Got Me Under Pressure.mp3
05 - Legs.mp3
06 - Legs (Dance Mix).mp3
07 - My Head's In Mississippi.mp3
08 - Pearl Necklace.mp3
09 - Rough Boy.mp3
10 - Sharp Dressed Man.mp3
11 - Sleeping Bag.mp3
12 - Stages.mp3
13 - Tube Snake Boogie.mp3
14 - Velcro Fly.mp3
15 - Velcro Fly (12- Remix).mp3
16 - Viva Las Vegas.mp3
17 - Woke Up With Wood.mp3

G:\Mp3 Blues\ZZ Top\The Very Best Of CD 1\
01 - A Fool For Your Stockings.mp3
02 - Arrested For Driving While Blind.mp3
03 - Bar-B-Q.mp3
04 - Beer Drinkers & Hell Raisers.mp3
05 - Blue Jean Blues.mp3
06 - Brown Sugar.mp3
07 - Cheap Sunglasses.mp3
08 - Francene.mp3
09 - Goin' Down To Mexico.mp3
10 - Heard It On The X.mp3
11 - I Thank You.mp3
12 - I'm Bad, I'm Nationwide.mp3
13 - It's Only Love.mp3
14 - Jesus Just Left Chicago.mp3
15 - Just Got Back From Baby's.mp3
16 - Just Got Paid.mp3
17 - La Grange.mp3
18 - Mexican Blackbird.mp3
19 - Thunderbird.mp3
20 - Tush.mp3
Waitin' For The Bus.mp3

G:\Mp3 Blues\ZZ Top\The Best Of CD 2\
01 - I'm Bad, I'm Nationwide.mp3
02 - She Loves My Automobile.mp3
03 - Tube Snake Boogie.mp3
04 - Pearl Necklace.mp3
05 - Gimme All Your Lovin.mp3
06 - Got Me Under Pressure.mp3
07 - TV Dinners.mp3
08 - Sharp Dressed Man.mp3
09 - Legs.mp3
10 - I Got The Six.mp3
11 - Sleeping Bag.mp3
12 - Stages.mp3
13 - Rough Boy.mp3
14 - Planet Of Women.mp3
15 - Velcro Fly.mp3

G:\Mp3 Blues\ZZ Top\The Best Of CD 1\
01 - Francene.mp3
02 - Just Got Paid.mp3
03 - La Grange.mp3
04 - Waitin' For The Bus.mp3
05 - Jesus Just Left Chicago.mp3
06 - Beer Drinkers & Hell Raisers.mp3
07 - Heard It on the X.mp3
08 - Blue Jean Blues.mp3
09 - Thunderbird.mp3
10 - Nasty Dogs and Funky Kings.mp3
11 - Tush.mp3
12 - It's Only Love.mp3
13 - I Thank You.mp3
14 - Cheap Sunglasses.mp3

G:\Mp3 Blues\ZZ Top\The Beginning of ZZ Top\CD2\
01 - 99th floor (moving sidewalks).mp3
02 - what are you going to do (moving sidewalks).mp3
03 - comin back home (ameriacan blues).mp3
04 - joes blues (moving sidewalks).mp3
05 - lifes a misery (warlocks).mp3
06 - melted like snow (american blues).mp3
07 - fool for your stocking (billy gibbons and the blue union).mp3
08 - chocolate ego (american blues).mp3
09 - shady (american blues).mp3
10 - its gone (american blues).mp3
11 - need me (moving sidewalks).mp3
12 - shell be mine (american blues).mp3

G:\Mp3 Blues\ZZ Top\The Beginning of ZZ Top\CD1\
01 - captain fire.mp3
02 - nightmare o a wise man.mp3
03 - dreams.mp3
04 - just plain jane.mp3
05 - fugue for lady cheriff.mp3
06 - keep my heart in a rage.mp3
07 - wonder man.mp3
08 - every night a new surprise.mp3
09 - all i saw was you.mp3
10 - mellow.mp3
11 - love against the wall.mp3
12 - mercury blues.mp3
13 - softly to the sun.mp3
14 - you were so close to me.mp3

G:\Mp3 Blues\ZZ Top\Tejas & 1977 Best Of\
01 - It's Only Love.mp3
02 - Arrested For Driving While Blind.mp3
03 - El Diablo.mp3
04 - Snappy Kakkie.mp3
05 - Enjoy And Get It On.mp3
06 - Ten Dollar Man.mp3
07 - Pan Am Highway Blues.mp3
08 - Avalon Hideaway.mp3
09 - She's A Heartbreaker.mp3
10 - Asleep In The Desert.mp3
11 - Backdoor Love Affair.mp3

G:\Mp3 Blues\ZZ Top\Star Mark Greatest Hits\

G:\Mp3 Blues\ZZ Top\Star Mark Greatest Hits\CD2\
01 - Sleeping Bag.mp3
02 - Velcro Fly.mp3
03 - Gimme All Your Lovin'.mp3
04 - Sharp Dressed Man.mp3
05 - Legs.mp3
06 - Tube Snake Boogie.mp3
07 - Pearl Necklace.mp3
08 - I Thank You.mp3
09 - Cheap Sunglasses.mp3
10 - I'm Bad, I'm Nationwide.mp3
11 - It's Only Love.mp3
12 - Arrested for Driving While Blind.mp3
13 - Mexican Blackbird.mp3
14 - Tush.mp3
15 - La Grange.mp3
16 - Jesus Just Left Chicago.mp3
17 - Beer Drinkers & Hell Raisers.mp3
18 - Francene.mp3
19 - Just Got Paid.mp3
20 - Bar-B-Q.mp3
21 - Brown Sugar.mp3

G:\Mp3 Blues\ZZ Top\Star Mark Greatest Hits\CD1\
01 - Mescalero.mp3
02 - Buck Nekkid.mp3
03 - Poke Chop Sandwich.mp3
04 - 36-22-36.mp3
05 - Fearless Boogie.mp3
06 - She's Just Killing Me.mp3
07 - Rhythmeen.mp3
08 - Bang Bang.mp3
09 - Pin Cushion.mp3
10 - Fuzzbox Voodoo.mp3
11 - Girl In A T-Shirt.mp3
12 - Breakaway.mp3
13 - Viva Las Vegas.mp3
14 - Give It Up.mp3
15 - Gun Love.mp3
16 - My Head's in Mississippi.mp3
17 - Doubleback.mp3
18 - Woke Up With Wood.mp3
19 - Rough Boy.mp3

G:\Mp3 Blues\ZZ Top\Rio Grande Mud\
01 - Francine.mp3
02 - Just Got Paid.mp3
03 - Mushmouth Shoutin'.mp3
04 - Ko Ko Blue.mp3
05 - Chevrolet.mp3
06 - Apologies To Pearly.mp3
07 - Bar-B-Q.mp3
08 - Sure Got Cold After The Rain Fell.mp3
09 - Whiskey'n Mama.mp3
10 - Down Brownie.mp3

G:\Mp3 Blues\ZZ Top\Rhythmeen\
01 - Rhythmeen.mp3
02 - Bang Bang.mp3
03 - Black Fly.mp3
04 - What's Up With That.mp3
05 - Vincent Price Blues.mp3
06 - Zipper Job.mp3
07 - Hairdresser.mp3
08 - She's Just Killing Me.mp3
09 - My Mind Is Gone.mp3
10 - Loaded.mp3
11 - Prettyhead.mp3
12 - Hummbucking, Part 2.mp3

G:\Mp3 Blues\ZZ Top\Recycler & 1992 Greatest Hits\
01 - Concrete And Steel.mp3
02 - Lovething.mp3
03 - Penthouse Eyes.mp3
04 - Tell It.mp3
05 - My Head's In Mississippi.mp3
06 - Decision Or Collision.mp3
07 - Give It Up.mp3
08 - 2000 Blues.mp3
09 - Burger Man.mp3
10 - Doubleback.mp3
11 - Viva Las Vegas.mp3
12 - Gun Love.mp3
13 - Legs.mp3

G:\Mp3 Blues\ZZ Top\One Foot In The Blues\
01 - Brown Sugar.wma
02 - Just Got Back From Baby's.wma
03 - A Fool For Your Stockings.wma
04 - I Need You Tonight.wma
05 - She Loves My Automobile.wma
06 - Hi Fi Mama.wma
07 - Hot, Blue And Righteous.wma
08 - My Head's In Mississippi.wma
09 - Lowdown In The Street.wma
10 - If I Could Only Flag Her Down.wma
11 - Apologies To Pearly.wma
12 - Sure Got Cold After The Rain Fell.wma
13 - Bar-B-Q.wma
14 - Old Man.wma
15 - Certified Blues.wma
16 - 2000 Blues.wma
17 - Heaven, Hell Or Houston.wma
One Foot In The Blues.jpg

G:\Mp3 Blues\ZZ Top\Moving Sidewalks - Flash - 1968 Billy Gibbons pre ZZ Top\
01 - Flashback.mp3
02 - Scoun Da Be.mp3
03 - You Make Me Shake.mp3
04 - You Don?t Know The Li.mp3
05 - Pluto-Sept. 31st..mp3
06 - No Good To Cry.mp3
07 - Crimson Witch.mp3
08 - Joe?s Blues.mp3
09 - Eclipse.mp3
10 - Reclipse.mp3
11 - 99th Floor.mp3
12 - What Are You Doing To.mp3
13 - I Want To Hold Your H.mp3
14 - Need Me.mp3
15 - Every Night A New Surprise (.mp3

G:\Mp3 Blues\ZZ Top\Mescalero\
01 - Mescalero.mp3
02 - Two Ways To Play.mp3
03 - Alley-Gator.mp3
04 - Buck Nekkid.mp3
05 - Goin' So Good.mp3
06 - Me So Stupid.mp3
07 - Piece.mp3
08 - Punk Ass Boyfriend.mp3
09 - Stackin' Paper.mp3
10 - What Would You Do.mp3
11 - What It Is Kid.mp3
12 - Que Lastima.mp3
13 - Tramp.mp3
14 - Crunchy.mp3
15 - Busted.mp3
16 - Liquor.mp3
17 - As Time Goes By (ghosttrack).mp3

G:\Mp3 Blues\ZZ Top\Live Rockpalast\CD2\
15 - la grange medley.mp3
16 - she loves my automobile.mp3
17 - hi-fi mama.mp3
18 - dust my broom.mp3
19 - jailhouse rock.mp3
20 - tush.mp3
21 - tube snake boogie.mp3
22 - just got paid.mp3

G:\Mp3 Blues\ZZ Top\Live Rockpalast\CD1\
01 - intro.mp3
01-Thank You.mp3
02 - waiting for the bus.mp3
03 - jesus just left chicago.mp3
04 - precious and grace.mp3
05 - i'm bad i'm nationwide.mp3
06 - manic mechanic.mp3
07 - lowdown in the street.mp3
08 - hearded it on the x.mp3
09 - a fool for your stockings.mp3
10 - nasty dogs and funky kings.mp3
11 - el diablo.mp3
12 - cheap sunglasses.mp3
13 - arrested for driving while blind.mp3
14 - beer drinkers & hell raisers.mp3

G:\Mp3 Blues\ZZ Top\Live in Stockholm '81\
01 - Cheap Sunglasses.mp3
01 - Groovy little Hippie Pad.mp3
02 - Arrested For Driving While Blind.mp3
02 - I Thank You#Waitin For The Bus#Jesus Just Left Chicago.mp3
03 - Beerdrinkers And Hellraisers.mp3
03 - I'm Bad I'm Nationwide.mp3
04 - Party On The Patio.mp3
04 - Wanna Drive You Home.mp3
05 - Ten Foot Poole.mp3
05 - Tube Snake Boogie#Jailhouse Rock.mp3
06 - La Grange.mp3
06 - Manic Mechanic.mp3
07 - Heard It On The x.mp3
07 - Tush.mp3
08 - Dust My Broom.mp3
08 - I Luv A Woman.mp3
09 - Just Got Paid.mp3
09 - Pearl Necklace.mp3

G:\Mp3 Blues\ZZ Top\Greatest Hits\
01 - Gimme All Your Lovin'.mp3
02 - Sharp Dressed Man.mp3
03 - Rough Boy.mp3
04 - Tush.mp3
05 - My Head's In Mississippi.mp3
06 - Pearl Necklace.mp3
07 - I'm Bad, I'm Nationwide.mp3
08 - Viva Las Vegas.mp3
09 - Doubleback.mp3
10 - Gun Love.mp3
11 - Got Me Under Pressure.mp3
12 - Give It Up.mp3
13 - Cheap Sunglasses.mp3
14 - Sleeping Bag.mp3
15 - Planet Of Women.mp3
16 - La Grange.mp3
17 - Tube Snake Boogie.mp3
18 - Legs.mp3

G:\Mp3 Blues\ZZ Top\First Album\
01 - (Somebody Else Been) Shaking Your Tree.mp3
02 - Brown Sugar.mp3
03 - Squank.mp3
04 - Goin' Down To Mexico.mp3
05 - Old Man.mp3
06 - Neighbor, Neighbor.mp3
07 - Certified Blues.mp3
08 - Bedroom Thang.mp3
09 - Just Got Back From Baby's.mp3
10 - Backdoor Love Affair.mp3
ZZ Tops First Album.jpg

G:\Mp3 Blues\ZZ Top\Fandango\
01 - Thunderbird.mp3
02 - Jailhouse Rock.mp3
03 - Backdoor Medley.mp3
04 - Nasty Dogs And Funky Kings.mp3
05 - Blue Jean Blues.mp3
06 - Balinese.mp3
07 - Mexican Blackbird.mp3
08 - Heard It On The X.mp3
09 - Tush.mp3

G:\Mp3 Blues\ZZ Top\Eliminator\
01 - Gimme All Your Lovin.mp3
02 - Got Me Under Pressure.mp3
03 - Sharp Dressed Man.mp3
04 - I Need You Tonight.mp3
05 - I Got The Six.mp3
06 - Legs.mp3
07 - Thug.mp3
08 - TV Dinners.mp3
09 - Dirty Dog.mp3
10 - If I Could Only Flag Her Down.mp3
11 - Bad Girl.mp3

G:\Mp3 Blues\ZZ Top\El Loco\
01 - Tube Snake Boogie.mp3
02 - I Wanna Drive You Home.mp3
03 - Ten Foot Pole.mp3
04 - Leila.mp3
05 - Don't Tease Me.mp3
06 - It?s So Hard.mp3
07 - Pearl Necklace.mp3
08 - Groovy Little Hippie Pad.mp3
09 - Heaven, Hell Or Houston.mp3
10 - Party On The Patio.mp3

G:\Mp3 Blues\ZZ Top\Antenna\
01 - Pincushion.mp3
02 - Breakaway.mp3
03 - World Of Swirl.mp3
04 - Fuzzbox Voodoo.mp3
05 - Girl In A T-Shirt.mp3
06 - Antenna Head.mp3
07 - PCH.mp3
08 - Cherry Red.mp3
09 - Cover Your Rig.mp3
10 - Lizard Life.mp3
11 - Deal Goin' Down.mp3
12 - Everything.mp3

G:\Mp3 Blues\ZZ Top\Afterburner\
01-sleeping bag.mp3
03-woke up with wood.mp3
04-rough boy.mp3
05-cant stop rockin.mp3
06-planet of women.mp3
07-I got the message.mp3
08-velcro fly.mp3
09-dipping low.mp3

G:\Mp3 Blues\Zinny.J Zan\City Boy Blues\
01 - City boy blues.mp3
02 - Grin n bear it.mp3
03 - Love is like fire.mp3
04 - Hollywood.mp3
05 - I believe.mp3
06 - Stand up for your rights.mp3
07 - Point of no return.mp3
08 - Lost generation.mp3
09 - Reach for the sky.mp3
10 - Blow by blow.mp3
11 - Wild as a rose.mp3

G:\Mp3 Blues\Woody Guthrie\The Very Best Of Woody Guthrie\
01 - This Land Is Your Land.mp3
02 - Pastures Of Plenty.mp3
03 - Pretty Boy Floyd.mp3
04 - Take A Whiff On Me.mp3
05 - Do Re Mi.mp3
06 - Put My Little Shoes Away.mp3
07 - Washington Talkin' Blues.mp3
08 - Hard Travelin'.mp3
09 - Jesus Christ.mp3
10 - Whoopee Ti Yi Yo, Get Along Little Dogies.mp3
11 - Grand Coulee Dam.mp3
12 - A Picture From Life's Other Side.mp3
13 - Talkin' Hard Luck Blues.mp3
14 - Philadelphia Lawyer.mp3
15 - I Ain't Got No Home.mp3
16 - The Wreck Of The Old '97.mp3
17 - Keep Your Skillet Good And Greasy.mp3
18 - Dust Pneumonia Blues.mp3
19 - Going Down That Road Feeling Bad.mp3
20 - Goodnight Little Arlo (Goodnight Little Darlin'skaal.mp3
21 - So Long It's Been Good To Know You.mp3

G:\Mp3 Blues\Wingnut\Tub Thumpin'\
01 - Leave The Light On.wma
02 - The Funk.wma
03 - Real Lovin.wma
04 - Hot In The Valley.wma
05 - Wicked Ways.wma
06 - Worn Out Picks.wma
07 - Go Around.wma
08 - Do You Love Me.wma
09 - Blues Man.wma
10 - What Would You Do.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\Wingnut\The Blues Ain't Always Pretty\
01 - I Seen Some Hard Times.wma
02 - Baby Dew.wma
03 - I Get So Foggy.wma
04 - Take Me On Outa Here.wma
05 - Stormy Monday Blues.wma
06 - She Took Me Down 3 Times.wma
07 - What'D I Do So Wrong.wma
08 - A Man Can't Love Too Much.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\Willie Dixon\The Chess Box\2\
01 - Howlin' Wolf - Spoonful.wma
02 - Otis Rush - You Know My Love.wma
03 - Bo Diddley - You Can't Judge A Book By It's Cover.wma
04 - Howlin' Wolf - I Ain't Superstitions.wma
05 - Muddy Waters - You Need Love.wma
06 - Howlin' Wolf - The Red Rooster.wma
07 - Howlin' Wolf - Back Door Man.wma
08 - Little Walter - Dead Presidents.wma
09 - Howlin' Wolf - Hidden Charms.wma
10 - Muddy Waters - You Shook Me.wma
11 - Sonny Boy Williamson - Bring It On Home.wma
12 - Howlin' Wolf - 300 Pounds Of Joy.wma
13 - Willie Dixon - Weak Brain, Narrow Mind.wma
14 - Koko Taylor - Wang Dang Doodle.wma
15 - Muddy Waters - The Same Thing.wma
16 - Howlin' Wolf - Built For Comfort.wma
17 - Little Milton - I Can't Quit You Baby.wma
18 - Koko Taylor - Insane Asylum.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\Willie Dixon\The Chess Box\1\
01 - Little Walter - My Babe.wma
02 - The Big Three - Violent Love.wma
03 - Eddie Boyd - Third Degree.wma
04 - Willie Mabon - Seventh Son.wma
05 - Willie Dixon - Crazy For My Baby.wma
06 - Willie Dixon - Pain In My Heart.wma
07 - Willie Dixon - Hoochie Coochie Man.wma
08 - Muddy Waters - Evil.wma
09 - Howlin' Wolf - Mellow Down Easy.wma
10 - Little Walter - When The Lights Go Out.wma
11 - Muddy Waters - Young Fashioned Ways.wma
12 - Bo Diddley - Pretty Thing.wma
13 - Muddy Waters - I'm Ready.wma
14 - Lowell Fulson - Do Me Right.wma
15 - Muddy Waters - I Just Want To Make Love To You.wma
16 - Lowell Fulson - Tollin' Bells.wma
17 - Willie Dixon - 29 Ways.wma
18 - Willie Dixon - Walkin' The Blues.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\Willie Dixon\Poet Of The Blues\
01 - Back door man.wma
02 - I can't quit you baby.wma
03 - The seventh son.wma
04 - Spoonful.wma
05 - I ain't superstitious.wma
06 - I'm your hoochie coochie man.wma
07 - Little red rooster.wma
08 - Big 3 stomp.wma
09 - I ain't gonna be your monkey man.wma
10 - It's all over now.wma
11 - If the sea was whiskey.wma
12 - O.C. Bounce.wma
13 - Money tree blues.wma
14 - Cool kind woman blues.wma
15 - Juice head bartender.wma
16 - Signifying monkey.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\Willie Dixon\Milk Cow Blues\
01 - Milk Cow Blues.wma
02 - Outskirts of Town.wma
03 - Black Night.wma
04 - Funny How Time Slips Away.wma
05 - Rainy Day Blues.wma
06 - Crazy.wma
07 - The Thrill Is Gone.wma
08 - Wake Me When It's Over.wma
09 - Kansas City.wma
10 - Fool's Paradise.wma
11 - Ain't Nobody's Business.wma
12 - Night Life.wma
13 - Sittin' on Top of the World.wma
14 - Lonely Street.wma
15 - Texas Flood.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\Willie Dixon\I Am The Blues\
01 - Back Door Man.wma
02 - I Can't Quit You Baby.wma
03 - The Seventh Son.wma
04 - Spoonful.wma
05 - I Ain't Superstitious.wma
06 - You Shook Me.wma
07 - I'm Your Hoochie Coochie Man.wma
08 - The Little Red Rooster.wma
09 - The Same Thing.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\Willie Dixon\Hidden Charms\
01 - Blues You Can't Loose.wma
02 - I Don't Trust Myself.wma
03 - Jungle Swing.wma
04 - Don't Mess With The Messer.wma
05 - Study War No More.wma
06 - I Love The Life I Live.wma
07 - I Cry For You.wma
08 - Good Advice.wma
09 - I Do The Job.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\Willie Dixon\The Big Three Trio 1990\
01 Big 3 Boogie.mp3
02 If the Sea Was Whiskey.mp3
03 I Ain't Gonna Be Your Monkey Man.mp3
04 88 Boogie.mp3
05 Money Tree Blues.mp3
06 Big 3 Stomp.mp3
07 Since My Baby Been Gone.mp3
08 Hard Notch Boogie Beat.mp3
09 No One to Love Me.mp3
10 Don't Let That Music Die.mp3
11 It's All over Now.mp3
12 Tell That Woman.mp3
13 Got You on My Mind.mp3
14 Etiquette [#].mp3
15 You Don't Love Me No More.mp3
16 Come Here Baby.mp3
17 O.C. Bounce [#].mp3
18 Cool Kind Woman [#].mp3
19 Juice-Head Bartender [#].mp3
20 What Am I to Do- [#].mp3
21 Signifying Monkey.mp3

G:\Mp3 Blues\William Clarke\The Hard Way\
01 - The Boss.wma
02 - Five Card Hand.wma
03 - Fishing Blues.wma
04 - Evil.wma
05 - Letter From Home.wma
06 - My Mind is Working Overtime.wma
07 - Last Monday Morning.wma
08 - Moten Swing.wma
09 - Blues is Killing Me.wma
10 - Don't Treat Me Wrong.wma
11 - Respect Me, Baby.wma
12 - Other Side of Town.wma
13 - Walkin'.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\William Clarke\The Early Years\2\
01 - Early In The Morning.wma
02 - The Feeling's Gone.wma
03 - Give Me Mine Now.wma
04 - Untitled Tune.wma
05 - Shoulda Kept On Runnin'.wma
06 - Lookin' For Trouble.wma
07 - Bloody Tears On My Trouble.wma
08 - Ice Cream Man.wma
09 - So Glad I'm Livin'.wma
10 - Horn Of Plenty.wma
11 - I've Had My Fun.wma
12 - Deal The Cards.wma
13 - Boogie Woogie Woman.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\William Clarke\The Early Years\1\
01 - Hittin' Heavy.wma
02 - Blues Afterwhile.wma
03 - Diggin' My Potatoes.wma
04 - Teenage Girl.wma
05 - So All Alone.wma
06 - Come On Baby.wma
07 - Keep It To Yourself.wma
08 - Teardrops Fallin'.wma
09 - Blowin' My Nuts.wma
10 - The Little Girl I'm Lovin'.wma
11 - Fine Little Mama.wma
12 - Give Me Back That Wig.wma
13 - I Miss You So.wma
14 - Gina's Groove.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\William Clarke\Groove Time\
01 - Daddy Pinnochio.mp3
02 - Saturday Night Blues.mp3
03 - The Complainer's Boogie Woogie.mp3
04 - This Is My Last Goodbye.mp3
05 - Telephone Is Ringing.mp3
06 - A Good Girl Is Hard to Find.mp3
07 - The War Is Over.mp3
08 - Broke and Hungry.mp3
09 - Somebody Is Calling Me Home.mp3
10 - Blowin' the Family Jewels.mp3
11 - Watch Dog.mp3
12 - Saint or Sinner.mp3
13 - Chicago Blues.mp3
14 - Bedroom Boogie.mp3
15 - Your Love Is Real.mp3

G:\Mp3 Blues\William Clarke\Blowin' Like Hell\
01 - Lollipop Mama.wma
02 - Lonesome Bedroom Blues.wma
03 - Gambling For My Bread.wma
04 - Greasy Gravy.wma
05 - Trying So Hard.wma
06 - Cash Money.wma
07 - Must Be Jelly.wma
08 - Sweet Angel's Gone.wma
09 - Looking To The Future.wma
10 - Drinking By Myself.wma
11 - Blowin' Like Hell.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\Will Ray\Mojo Blues\
01 - Wait A Minute.wma
02 - Santa Cruizin.wma
03 - Bad Bad Day.wma
04 - I Hate My Day Job.wma
05 - Oh Me, Oh My.wma
06 - Shenandoah.wma
07 - Sister Theresa.wma
08 - 219 Orange Avenue.wma
09 - Holy Smokes.wma
10 - Trouble.wma
11 - Sparks.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\Wetcat blues Band\Just Another Day At The Office\
01 - Mojo Blues.wma
02 - D funk.wma
03 - Corina.wma
04 - Don't Fool Around.wma
05 - Heat.wma
06 - Late Last Night.wma
07 - Tax-Collector.wma
08 - Lonely Avenue.wma
09 - Babe Avenue.wma
10 - Way Past Your Bedtime.wma
11 - Fool The Devil.wma
12 - Down in Missisipi.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\Waylon Jennings\Never Say Die LIVE\
01 - Closing In On The Fire.mp3
02 - Waymore's Blues (special guest appearance by John Anderson).mp3
03 - Never Say Die.mp3
04 - AmandaA Couple More Years.mp3
05 - Drift Away.mp3
06 - Nothing Catches Jesus By Surprise.mp3
07 - Good Hearted Woman.mp3
08 - I'm Not Lisa (special guest appearance by Jessi Colter).mp3
09 - Storms Never Last (special guest appearance by Jessi Colter).mp3
10 - Never Been To Spain.mp3
11 - (I'm A ) Ramblin' Man (special guest appearance by Montgomery Gentry).mp3
12 - Goin' Down Rockin'.mp3
13 - I've Always Been Crazy (special guest appearance by Travis Tritt).mp3
14 - Can't You See.mp3

G:\Mp3 Blues\Warren Haynes\Warren Haynes & Gregg Allamn - Red Rocks 06\
01 - Midnight Rider.mp3
02 - Come And Go Blues.mp3
03 - Old Before My Time.mp3
04 - Come On Into My Kitchen.mp3
05 - These Days.mp3
06 - Soulshine.mp3
07 - Melissa.mp3

G:\Mp3 Blues\Warren Haynes\Benefit Concert Vol 2\
01 In My Life.mp3
02 Warren Haynes Interview 1.mp3
03 Trail Of Seasons.mp3
04 Warren Haynes Interview 2.mp3
05 Bottle Rockets Intro.mp3
06 Welfare Music.mp3
07 Bottle Rockets Interview.mp3
08 Thousand Dollar Car.mp3
09 Warren Haynes Interview 3.mp3
10 How Long.mp3

G:\Mp3 Blues\Warren Haynes\Benefit Concert Vol 1\
01 It Hurts Me Too.mp3
02 Rock-A-Bye Baby.mp3
03 Born To Be No Good.mp3
04 Good Morning Little Schoolgirl.mp3
05 You Don't Know.mp3

G:\Mp3 Blues\Walter Trout\Transition\
01 - Motivation Of Love.wma
02 - Endless Variety.wma
03 - Transition.wma
04 - Running In Place.wma
05 - Deeper Shade Of Blue.wma
06 - Got To Kill The Monkey.wma
07 - Face The Night.wma
08 - Playing With Gloves On.wma
09 - She's Missing.wma
10 - Fast Moving Traffic.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\Walter Trout\Tellin' Stories\
01 - I Can Tell.mp3
02 - Tremble.mp3
03 - Wanna See the Morning.mp3
04 - I Need to Belong.mp3
05 - Runnin' Blues.mp3
06 - On the Rise.mp3
07 - Time for Movin' On.mp3
08 - Head Hung Down.mp3
09 - Please Don't Go.mp3
10 - Tellin' Stories.mp3
11 - Somebody's Cryin'.mp3
12 - Take Care of Yo' Business.mp3

G:\Mp3 Blues\Walter Trout\Salem Oregon\
Walter trout salem 2.15.05 back.jpg

G:\Mp3 Blues\Walter Trout\Salem Oregon\CD2\
01 - Livin Everyday.mp3
02 - Happy B-Day To Haydn.mp3
03 - Kill The Monkey.mp3
04 - No Good Woman.mp3
05 - The Best You Got.mp3
06 - Marie's Mood.mp3
07 - Serve Me Right To Suffer.mp3

G:\Mp3 Blues\Walter Trout\Salem Oregon\CD1\
01 - Dust My Broom.mp3
02 - Reason I'm Gone.mp3
03 - False Alarm.mp3
04 - Work No More.mp3
05 - Put It Right Back.mp3
06 - My Heart Is True.mp3
07 - My Heart Is True.mp3
08 - Gotta Leave This Town.mp3

G:\Mp3 Blues\Walter Trout\Relentless\
01 - I'm Tired.mp3
02 - The Life I Chose.mp3
03 - Jericho Road.mp3
04 - Work No More.mp3
05 - Talk To Ya.mp3
06 - Cry If You Want To.mp3
07 - Chatroom Girl.mp3
08 - My Heart Is True.mp3
09 - Lonely Tonight.mp3
10 - Helpin' Hand.mp3
11 - Collingswood.mp3
12 - Empty Eyes.mp3
13 - The Best You Got.mp3
14 - Mercy.mp3

G:\Mp3 Blues\Walter Trout\Prisoner Of A Dream\
01 - Prisoner Of A Dream.mp3
02 - The Love That We Once Knew.mp3
03 - Sweet As A Flower.mp3
04 - Love In Vain.mp3
05 - Victor The Cajun.mp3
06 - Girl From The North Country.mp3
07 - False Alarm.mp3
08 - Say Goodbye To The Blues.mp3
09 - You're The One.mp3
10 - Earrings On The Table.mp3
11 - Tribute To Muddy Waters.mp3

G:\Mp3 Blues\Walter Trout\Positively Beale Street\
1.Got A Broken Heart.mp3
10.Song For A Wanderer.mp3
12.Walkin? In The Rain.mp3
13.If You Ever Change Your Mind.mp3
14.Jules Well.mp3
15.Let Me Be The One.mp3
2.Obstacles In My Way.mp3
3.One Way Street.mp3
4.Tender Heart.mp3
5.Come Home.mp3
6.Marie?s Mood.mp3
7.Hardtime Blues.mp3
8.In Love With You Again.mp3
9.Don?t Worry About It.mp3

G:\Mp3 Blues\Walter Trout\Livin Every Day\
01 Livin' Every Day.mp3
02 Let Me Know.mp3
03 Playing With A Losin' Hand.mp3
04 Sweet Butterfly (Sophie's Song).mp3
05 I Thought I Heard The Devil.mp3
06 Through The Eyes Of Love.mp3
07 Nothin' But The Blues.mp3
08 City Man.mp3
09 Fool For Love.mp3
10 Say What You Mean.mp3
11 Apparitions.mp3
12 Junkyards In Your Eyes.mp3
13 The Love That We Once Knew.mp3
14 Prisoner Of A Dream.mp3
Livin Every day Front.jpg

G:\Mp3 Blues\Walter Trout\Go The Distance\
01 - Love So Deep.mp3
02 - Outta Control.mp3
03 - Lookin' For The Promise.mp3
04 - Ride 'Till I'm Satisfied.mp3
05 - Go The Distance.mp3
06 - Message On The Doorway.mp3
07 - Faithful.mp3
08 - Down To You.mp3
09 - Bugle Billy.mp3
10 - Gotta Leave This Town.mp3
11 - I Don't Want My MTV.mp3
12 - Doin' Just Fine.mp3
13 - Always Been A Dreamer.mp3

G:\Mp3 Blues\Walter Trout\Full Circle\
01 - she takes more than she gives.mp3
02 - workinovertime.mp3
03 - firehouse mama.mp3
04 - whos listenin in.mp3
05 - slap happy.mp3
06 - wrapped around your finger.mp3
07 - busy man.mp3
08 - highway song.mp3
09 - when will it ever change.mp3
10 - can't help falling apart.mp3
11 - afther hours.mp3
12 - clouds on the horizon.mp3
13 - full circle.mp3

G:\Mp3 Blues\Walter Trout\Deep Trout\
01 - Put It Right Back.mp3
02 - The Love That We Once Knew.mp3
03 - How Much Do You Want.mp3
04 - Sweet As A Flower.mp3
05 - Victor The Cajun.mp3
06 - Kill The Monkey.mp3
07 - Earrings On The Table.mp3
08 - Fast Moving Traffic.mp3
09 - Love In Vain.mp3
10 - Motivation Of Love.mp3
11 - If You Just Try.mp3
12 - Muddy Waters.mp3
13 - Life In The Jungle.mp3
14 - Big Chain.mp3
15 - So Sad To Be Lonely.mp3

G:\Mp3 Blues\Walter Trout\Breaking The Rules\
01 - To Begin Again.mp3
02 - How Much Do You Want.mp3
03 - Under My Skin.mp3
04 - Like A Stranger.mp3
05 - Surrounded By Eden.mp3
06 - Breaking The Rules.mp3
07 - The Reason I'm Gone.mp3
08 - I Don't Wanna Be Lonely.mp3
09 - Put It Right Back.mp3
10 - Lady Luck.mp3
11 - Watch Her Dance.mp3

G:\Mp3 Blues\Walter Trout\& Friends Full Circle\
01 - She Takes More Than She Gives.mp3
02 - Workin' Overtime - Jeff Healey, Walter Trout.mp3
03 - Firehouse Mama.mp3
04 - Who's Listenin' In - Coco Montoya.mp3
05 - Slap Happy.mp3
06 - Wrapped Around Your Finger.mp3
07 - Busy Man.mp3
08 - Highway Song.mp3
09 - When Will It Ever Change.mp3
10 - Can't Help Falling Apart.mp3
11 - Afther Hours.mp3
12 - Clouds On The Horizon.mp3
13 - Full Circle.mp3

G:\Mp3 Blues\Ville Emards Blues Band\Complete\Complete CD 2\
01 - Strangle - Solos De Batteries - 12.09.mp3
02 - Yama Nekh (live) - 3.56.mp3
03 - You And Your Mother - 8.18.mp3
04 - La Poutine a Ma Tante Anna - 2.45.mp3
05 - In Our Loneliness - 3.23.mp3
06 - Affaire C.S.R. vs Marlyle Killer & Stobert Ranley - 4.21.mp3
07 - Where's Your Money - 4.41.mp3
08 - Walter's Van - 6.33.mp3
09 - La Machine Infernale - 5.51.mp3
10 - Le Chemin - 2.47.mp3
11 - Sleepy Teepy - 1.27.mp3
12 - Secret Pour Pierre-Antoine - 3.50.mp3
13 - Guess Who's Coming To Jam - 6.50.mp3
14 - Yama Nekh (45 tours) - 3.10.mp3
15 - S'asseoir Dans Les Champs - 4.00.mp3

G:\Mp3 Blues\Ville Emards Blues Band\Complete\Complete CD 1\
01 - Intro - 0.39.mp3
02 - Soumis - Octobre (au mois de mai) - 8.21.mp3
03 - Ville Emard Blues - 3.47.mp3
04 - Comme Par Magie - 6.00.mp3
05 - That Ain't No Way To Be - 6.12.mp3
06 - Ste-M?lanie Blues - 4.00.mp3
07 - Ode a Une Belle Inconnue - 6.14.mp3
08 - A World Of Love (make some music) - 3.39.mp3
09 - Kondy Donky - 9.00.mp3
10 - Va t'en Vite - 4.29.mp3
11 - Pixieland - 3.23.mp3
12 - Indian Giver God - 4.41.mp3
13 - City Music - 4.37.mp3
14 - Poirots N?vros?s - 6.42.mp3

G:\Mp3 Blues\111 Ny Blues\Blues\Steve Johnson - Back To Memphis\
01 - Angry Woman Blues.wma
02 - Angry Man Blues.wma
03 - Katie.wma
04 - Cadillac Blues.wma
05 - Out in the Cold.wma
06 - Lil Sister.wma
07 - Old & Tired.wma
08 - Back To Memphis.wma
09 - Mean old X-mas.wma
10 - Think it over.wma
11 - Black Crow.wma
12 - New tunes Blues.wma
13 - The Train Song.wma
14 - Almost 4 am.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\111 Ny Blues\Blues\Smokey Wilson & The William Clarke Band\
01 - Down in Virginia.wma
02 - I Wish I Was Single.wma
03 - Howling Wolf.wma
04 - Tell Me What Do You See.wma
05 - Bar Room Blues.wma
06 - Cold Chills.wma
07 - Ghetto Woman.wma
08 - Dimples.wma
09 - Lean on My Body.wma
10 - The Things I Used to Do.wma
11 - Truckload of Love.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\111 Ny Blues\Blues\Shane Dwight Blues Band - Boogie King\
01 - Sweet Home Chicago.wma
02 - Snatch It Back & Hold It.wma
03 - I Need U So Bad.wma
04 - Just A Little Bit.wma
05 - Boogie King.wma
06 - Baby What You Want Me To Do.wma
07 - Yonder's Wall.wma
08 - That's Alright.wma
09 - You Were Wrong.wma
10 - Gangster Of Love.wma
11 - Please Love Me.wma
12 - Hide Away.wma
13 - It Takes Time.wma
14 - Backstroke.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\111 Ny Blues\Blues\Mountain - High\
01 - Immortal.wma
02 - Mystic Fire.wma
03 - Fever.wma
04 - The Sea.wma
05 - Mutant X.wma
06 - Better Off With The Blues.wma
07 - Mountain Express (Oh Boy).wma
08 - Marble Peach.wma
09 - Rotten Peach (Part II).wma
10 - When Johnny Comes Marching Home.wma
11 - Nantucket Sleighride (Redux).wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\111 Ny Blues\Blues\Mike BloomField - Live At The Old Waldorf\
01 - Sweet Little Angel - Jelly Jelly.wma
02 - Feel So Bad.wma
03 - Bad Luck Baby.wma
04 - The Sky Is Cryin'.wma
05 - Dancin' Fool.wma
06 - Buried Alive In The Blues.wma
07 - Farther Up The Road.wma
08 - Your Friends.wma
09 - Bye, Bye.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\111 Ny Blues\Blues\Mercy Blues band - Tribute To Slim Harpo\
01 - Tip On In.wma
02 - I Got Love If You Want It !.wma
03 - Baby Scratch My Back.wma
04 - Shake Your Hips.wma
05 - I m King Bee.wma
06 - I Need Money.wma
07 - Don't Start Crying Now.wma
08 - What a Dream.wma
09 - You Buzz Me Baby.wma
10 - Dream Girl.wma
11 - My Home is a Prison..wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\111 Ny Blues\Blues\Mark Hummel - Heart Of Chicago\
01 - My Kind Of Baby.wma
02 - Rockin' At The Riverside.wma
03 - Lost A Good Man.wma
04 - Rollin' From Side To Side.wma
05 - Tryin' To Make A Living.wma
06 - Love Shock.wma
07 - I Want Your Love.wma
08 - Peaches Tree.wma
09 - Step Back Baby.wma
10 - But I Forgive You.wma
11 - Out On A Limb.wma
12 - Ready For Eddie.wma
13 - Drinkin' Again.wma
14 - Living With The Blues.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\111 Ny Blues\Blues\Mark Hummel - Feel Like Rockin'\
01 - Rockin' All The Time.wma
02 - So Darn Cute.wma
03 - Georgia Slop.wma
04 - Learned My Lesson (Changed My Ways).wma
05 - Everything.wma
06 - Nickles & Dimes.wma
07 - Lost In The Shuffel.wma
08 - Bad Luck Blues.wma
09 - I'm Gonna Quit.wma
10 - Where You At.wma
11 - City Livin'.wma
12 - Coast To Coast.wma
13 - Worried Mind.wma
14 - Last Time In Florida.wma
15 - Third Time Out.wma
16 - When I'm Not With You.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\111 Ny Blues\Blues\Little John Chrisley - Little John Chrisley\
01-Born in Rockester.wma
02-War Headed Woman.wma
03-The Way It Goes.wma
05-Big Bad Boogie.wma
06-Master Plan.wma
07-Don't Suffocate Me.wma
08-Buried In Bills.wma
09-Beer Goggles.wma
10-Life's Undertow.wma
11-Stone Cold Blue.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\111 Ny Blues\Blues\Lightnin' Slim - Blue Lightning\
01 - Mama Talk to Your Daughter.wma
02 - My Baby Left Me This Morning.wma
03 - It's Mighty Crazy.wma
04 - Caress Me Baby.wma
05 - I Love You Baby.wma
06 - The Sky Is Crying.wma
07 - G.I. Slim.wma
08 - Help Me Spend My Gold.wma
09 - My Little Angel Chile.wma
10 - Too Close Blues.wma
11 - I Want You to Love Me.wma
12 - Bed Bug Blues.wma
13 - I'm Tired Waitin' Baby.wma
14 - Ah'w Baby.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\111 Ny Blues\Blues\Legacy - A Tribute to Fleetwood Mac's Rumours\
01 - Second Hand News.wma
02 - Dreams.wma
03 - Never Going Back Again.wma
04 - Don't Stop.wma
05 - Go Your Own Way.wma
06 - Songbird.wma
07 - The Chain.wma
08 - You Make Loving Fun.wma
09 - I Don't Want to Know.wma
10 - Oh Daddy.wma
11 - Gold Dust Woman.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\111 Ny Blues\Blues\Kid Ramos - Kid Ramos\
01 - Dead Love.wma
02 - No More Alcohol.wma
03 - Leave Me Alone.wma
04 - Three Hundred Pounds Of Joy.wma
05 - Walk-Around Telephone Blues.wma
06 - The Jig's Up.wma
07 - Open Up Your Heart.wma
08 - Cold Chicken And Beef.wma
09 - Fiddle De Dee.wma
10 - One Woman, One Man.wma
11 - It Takes Time.wma
12 - I Don't Believe.wma
13 - Helsinki Laundromat Blues.wma
14 - Bandstand Boogie.wma
15 - I Would Be a Sinner.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\111 Ny Blues\Blues\Kevin Brown - Rust\
01 - Don't Quit.wma
02 - If I Had My Way.wma
03 - Hey Joe Louis.wma
04 - You Don't Have to Tell Me.wma
05 - Write a Bible of Your Own.wma
06 - Country Boy.wma
07 - Southern Streets.wma
08 - Telephone Tears.wma
09 - Meltdown.wma
10 - We'll Be With You.wma
11 - Sunny Side Up.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\111 Ny Blues\Blues\Junkyardmen - Scrapheap Full of Blues\
02-Luck I Got.wma
03-Full Moon.wma
04-What Time Does the Bus Leave.wma
05-Tell It Like It Is.wma
06-Stingin' Stang.wma
08-Workin' for Peanuts.wma
09-Jammin' in the Jungle.wma
10-Same Old Blues.wma
11-What Is Your Life.wma
12-Washin' My Hands.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\111 Ny Blues\Blues\Junkyardmen - Keep On Workin'\
01 Keep On Workin'.wma
02 Tears.wma
03 Cadillac.wma
04 Arkansas Razorback.wma
05 High And Dry.wma
06 What Is Love.wma
07 Love Bug.wma
08 (Of No) Caught You In A Lie.wma
09 Hard As A Rock.wma
10 It's Gonna Be Alright.wma
11 Work It Out.wma
12 I Ain't Found Out Yet.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\111 Ny Blues\Blues\Juicy Lucy - Lie Back And Enjoy It\
01 - Thinking Of My Life.wma
02 - Built For It.wma
03 - Pretty Woman.wma
04 - Whiskey In The Jar.wma
05 - Hello LA Bye Bye Birmingham.wma
06 - Changed My Mind.wma
07 - That Woman?s Got Something.wma
08 - Willie The Pimp.wma
09 - Lie Back And Enjoy It.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\111 Ny Blues\Blues\Jon Spencer Blues Explosion - Plastic Fang\
01 - Sweet n Sour.wma
02 - She Said.wma
03 - Money Rock 'n' Roll.wma
04 - Killer Wolf.wma
05 - The Midnight Creep.wma
06 - Hold On.wma
07 - Down in the Beast.wma
08 - Shakin' Rock 'n' Roll Tonight.wma
09 - Over and Over.wma
10 - Mother Nature.wma
11 - Mean Heart.wma
12 - Point of View.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\111 Ny Blues\Blues\Johnny Mastro & Mama's Boys Pinch That Snake\
01 - Can't Get Even.wma
02 - You Wrong.wma
03 - Pinch the Snake.wma
04 - Bone Dry.wma
05 - Dynamite.wma
06 - Depending on You.wma
07 - Behind the Sun.wma
08 - Blues Don't Like No One.wma
09 - Liquor Store.wma
10 - Sadie.wma
11 - Told My Baby.wma
12 - Bassman Mama.wma
13 - Ocean Front Walk.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\111 Ny Blues\Blues\Johnny Mastro & Mama's Boys - The Black Album\
01 - Slave.wma
02 - Loverman.wma
03 - Cry for Me.wma
04 - Middle of the Night.wma
05 - Think Twice Before You Go.wma
06 - Can't Kick the Habit.wma
07 - Sleeping in the Ground.wma
08 - Flat Down on My Back.wma
09 - Chariot.wma
10 - Done Somebody Wrong.wma
11 - Billy Boy.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\111 Ny Blues\Blues\Johnny Mastro & Mama's Boys - Chicken & Waffles\
01 - You'd Better Be Sure.wma
02 - Don't Cry Mama.wma
03 - Coming Home.wma
04 - Too Tight.wma
05 - Shake 'em On Down.wma
06 - Chicken & Waffles.wma
07 - Something To Remember You By.wma
08 - Come Back Baby.wma
09 - Drink.wma
10 - One Day.wma
11 - Baby Boy's Boogie.wma
12 - Blues For Late Summer-Howl All Night.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\111 Ny Blues\Blues\Johnny Jones - Can I Get An Amen\
01 - Don't Throw Your Love On Me So Strong.wma
02 - Chip Off The Old Block.wma
03 - Suspicion.wma
04 - Can I Get An Amen.wma
05 - Galloping Dominoes.wma
06 - I Was Raised On The Blues.wma
07 - I Done Did That Already.wma
08 - Herb Stuffing.wma
09 - I Can't Do That.wma
10 - A'int Nothing A Young Girl Can Do.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\111 Ny Blues\Blues\John Zorn & Fred Frith - The Art of Memory\
01 - The Combiner.wma
02 - The Ladder.wma
03 - The Chain.wma
04 - The Field.wma
05 - The Table.wma
06 - The Interpreter.wma
07 - The Tree.wma
08 - The Fountain and the Mirror.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\111 Ny Blues\Blues\John Mellencamp - Freedoms Road\
01 - Someday.wma
02 - Ghost Towns Along The Highway.wma
03 - The Americans.wma
04 - Forgiveness.wma
05 - Freedoms Road.wma
06 - Jim Crow.wma
07 - Our Country.wma
08 - Rural Route.wma
09 - My Aeroplane.wma
10 - Heaven Is A Lonely Place.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\111 Ny Blues\Blues\John Jackson - Don't Let Your Deal Go Down\
01 - Going Down in Georgia on a Horn.wma
02 - Black Snake Moan.wma
03 - John Henry.wma
04 - If Hattie wants to lu let her lu like a man.wma
05 - Nobody's bussiness but mine.wma
06 - John's rag.wma
07 - Boats Up the River.wma
08 - Ratllesnakin' daddy.wma
09 - Flat Foot & Buck Dance.wma
10 - Bear Cat Blues.wma
11 - Reuben.wma
12 - Rocks and Gravel.wma
13 - Going Down The Road Feelin' Bad.wma
14 - Police dog blues.wma
15 - Don't Let Your Deal Go Down.wma
16 - Muleskinner blues.wma
17 - I bring my money.wma
18 - John's ragtime.wma
19 - Red river blues.wma
20 - Knife blues.wma
21 -Trucking Little Baby.wma
22 - Blind Blake's Rag.wma
23 -Goodbye Booze.wma
24 - Graveyard blues.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\111 Ny Blues\Blues\John Jackson - Blues & Country Dance Tunes From Virginia\
01 - Nobody's Business But My Own.wma
02 - Going down in Georgia on a horn.wma
03 - Black Snake Moan.wma
04 - If Hattie Wants to Lu, Let Her Lu Like a....wma
05 - I'm a Bad, Bad Man.wma
06 - John's Rag.wma
07 - Cindy.wma
08 - John Henry.wma
09 - RattleSankin' Daddy.wma
10 - T.B. Blues.wma
11 - Flat Foot and Buck Dance.wma
12 - Steamboat Whistle Blues.wma
13 - Boat's up the River.wma
14 - Poor Boy.wma
15 - Bear Cat Blues.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\111 Ny Blues\Blues\John Hiatt - Perfectly Good Guitar\
01 - Something Wild.wma
02 - Straight outta Time.wma
03 - Perfectly good Guitar.wma
04 - Buffalo river home.wma
05 - Angel.wma
06 - Blue telescope.wma
07 - Cross my fingers.wma
08 - Old habits.wma
09 - Wreck of the Barbi Ferrari, The.wma
10 - When you hold me tight.wma
11 - Permanent hurt.wma
12 - Loving a hurricane.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\111 Ny Blues\Blues\Joanna Connor - Big Girl Blues\
01. Big Girl Blues.wma
02. 43rd St. .wma
03. Fly Away.wma
04. They Love Each Other.wma
05. Sweet Baby.wma
06. You Should Be my Lover.wma
07. Sister Spirit.wma
08. You Oughta Know.wma
09. Heart of the Blues.wma
10. Juicy.wma
11. Meditations.wma
12. Smoke it up.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\111 Ny Blues\Blues\Joan Armatrading - Into The Blues\
01 - A Woman In Love.wma
02 - Play The Blues.wma
03 - Into The Blues.wma
04 - Liza.wma
05 - Secular Songs.wma
06 - My Baby's Gone.wma
07 - D.N.A..wma
08 - Baby Blue Eyes.wma
09 - Deep Down.wma
10 - There Ain't A Girl Alive.wma
11 - Empty Highway.wma
12 - Mama Papa.wma
13 - Something's Gotta Blow.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\111 Ny Blues\Blues\Jimmy Dawkins - Me, My Guitar & The Blues\
01 - Back to School.wma
02 - You Don't Want Me.wma
03 - Down Down Baby.wma
04 - I'm Running.wma
05 - Tuff Girl.wma
06 - Me, My Guitar and the Blues.wma
07 - Jimmy's Bag.wma
08 - Tru Love.wma
09 - Back Street Blues.wma
10 - Cold as Hell.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\111 Ny Blues\Blues\Jimmy D. Lane - Legacy\
01 - Hey Little Girl.wma
02 - Clue Me.wma
03 - Four O'clock In The Morning.wma
04 - Going Downtown.wma
05 - Another Mule Kickin' In My Stall.wma
06 - In This Bed.wma
07 - Call It Blues.wma
08 - One Room Country Shack.wma
09 - Big House.wma
10 - Baby's Mule.wma
11 - Dem Blues.wma
12 - Pride.wma
13 - It's All Good.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\111 Ny Blues\Blues\Jason Ricci - Down At The Juke\
01 - Down At The Juke.wma
02 - Shakey's Jump.wma
03 - Mississippi March.wma
04 - Delta Dip.wma
05 - Things Aint What They Used To Be.wma
06 - Delta Nova.wma
07 - Can't Close Our Eyes.wma
08 - Snowflakes & Horses.wma
09 - No Progression.wma
10 - My Blood Is Yours.wma
11 - Soul Desire.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\111 Ny Blues\Blues\James Cotton - High Energy\
01 - Hot 'n' Cold.wma
02 - Chicken Heads.wma
03 - Hard Time Blues.wma
04 - I Got A Feeling.wma
05 - Weather Report (The Weather Man Said).wma
06 - Rock 'n' Roll Music (Ain't Nothing New).wma
07 - Fannie Mae.wma
08 - Caldonia.wma
09 - James' Theme.wma
10 - Keep Cooking Mama.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\111 Ny Blues\Blues\Ian Parker - Where I Belong\
01 - Where I Belong.wma
02 - Your Love Is My Home.wma
03 - Until You Show Me.wma
04 - Coming Home.wma
05 - Waste My Days.wma
06 - Sweet Singing Sirens.wma
07 - Love So Cold.wma
08 - Before Our Eyes.wma
09 - Don't Hold Back.wma
10 - You Could Say.wma
11 - Told My Girl To Go Away.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\111 Ny Blues\Blues\Harsh Reality - Heaven and Hell\
01 - When I Move.wma
02 - Tobacco Ash Sunday.wma
03 - Mary Roberta (part I).wma
04 - Praying for Reprieve.wma
05 - How do you Feel.wma
06 - Heaven and Hell.wma
07 - Someone?s Changing.wma
08 - Mary Roberta (part 2).wma
09 - Melancoly Lady.wma
10 - Don?t Shoot Me Down.wma
11 - Girl of my Dreams.wma
12 - Mary Roberta (part 3).wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\111 Ny Blues\Blues\Eric Hughes Band - Paycheck Boogie\
01 - Paycheck Boogie.wma
02 - Zombie Song.wma
03 - Icebox Blues.wma
04 - Come Home Blues.wma
05 - How Long Lord.wma
06 - Gone To Mississippi.wma
07 - Never Said I Was A Saint.wma
08 - Los Bad Dudes.wma
09 - You Cook 'em, I Caught 'em....wma
10 - Last Night.wma
11 - Drink Myself To Sleep.wma
12 - Where I Keep The Key.wma
13 - Back In Style.wma
14 - Handy Man.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\111 Ny Blues\Blues\Clark Hutchinson - Retribution\
01 - Free To Be Stoned.wma
02 - After Hours.wma
03 - In Another Day.wma
04 - Best Suit.wma
05 - Death, The Lover.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\111 Ny Blues\Blues\Chet Atkins - Super hits\
01 - Mister Sandman.wma
02 - Country Gentleman.wma
03 - Alley Cat.wma
04 - Yesterday.wma
05 - Michelle.wma
06 - Rocky Top.wma
07 - Oh, Lonesome Me.wma
08 - Yakety Axe.wma
09 - Mrs. Robinson.wma
10 - Make The World Go Away.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\111 Ny Blues\Blues\Butterfingers - Butterfingers\
01 - Key.wma
02 - Has the Buggerman Got You.wma
03 - Look out Now.wma
04 - 5 o' Clock Trip.wma
05 - In the Shade of Night.wma
06 - High Walkin'.wma
07 - I Feel Like An Elephant.wma
08 - Were Ya Gonna Hide.wma
09 - Why Get High.wma
10 - Bootleg.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\111 Ny Blues\Blues\Blues Revue Sampler\
01 - Gimme Back My Wig _ Ike Turner.wma
02 - I Love You Baby _ Big Frank & The Healers.wma
03 - Wake Up & Worry _ Mitch Kasmar.wma
04 - Believe The Devil Took Her Hand _ Hans Theessink.wma
05 - Satisfy You _ The Mystics.wma
06 - Lay The Hooch _ Michael Powers.wma
07 - Angel o' Mine _ Aynsley Lister.wma
08 - Life Is Tough _ The Cash Box Kings.wma
09 - Bad Influence _ Robert Cray Band.wma
10 - It's A Pity _ The Bluesters.wma
11 - Like A Circle (around the sun) _ Will Porter, Billy Preston & Leo Nocentelli.wma
12 - Destiny Meets Devil at The Crossroads _ Marla BB.wma
13 - I Ain't From Mississippi _ Rusty Wright Blues.wma
14 - What About Tomorrow _ Jony James Blues Band.wma
15 - Birthday Blues _ Hard Bargain.wma
16 - Your Eyes (Give You Away) _ Jimi Bott & Suburban Slim.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\111 Ny Blues\Blues\Blackstratblues - Nights In Shining Karma\
01 - Incense.wma
02 - Soar The Sky.wma
03 - Anuva's Sky.wma
04 - Blues For Gary.wma
05 - A Weekend With You (And Nothing Else To Do).wma
06 - The Cat & The Fiddle.wma
07 - Nights In Shining Karma.wma
08 - Bombay Rain.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\After Tea\Jointhouse Blues\
01 - Jointhouse Blues.wma
02 - You've Got To Move Me.wma
03 - I'm Here.wma
04 - Someday.wma
05 - Let's Come All Together.wma
06 - Trial, Punishment, The End.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\AJ Croce\That's Me In The Bar-1995\
01 - That's Me in the Bar.wma
02 - Sign on the Line.wma
03 - She's Waiting for Me.wma
04 - Checkin' In.wma
05 - Music Box.wma
06 - Callin'Home.wma
07 - Night Out on the Town.wma
08 - Pass Me By.wma
09 - I Meant What I Said.wma
10 - Maybe I'm to Blame.wma
11 - I Confess.wma
12 - Some People Call It Love.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\AJ Croce\Cantos\
01 - Time Will Tell.wma
02 - Play.wma
03 - Maybe I'm Amazed.wma
04 - I'll Know I'ts Right.wma
05 - Once Again.wma
06 - When Im Gone.wma
07 - I'm With You.wma
08 - All About You.wma
09 - I Should Have Known.wma
10 - All I Have.wma
11 - One And Only.wma
12 - Until We Meet Again.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\AJ Croce\A.J. Croce - Fit To Serve\
01 - Fit To Serve.mp3
02 - I Don't Mind.mp3
03 - Lover's Serenade.mp3
04 - Trouble In Mind.mp3
05 - Texas Ruby.mp3
06 - Uncommon Sense.mp3
07 - I'll Get Through.mp3
08 - Cry To Me.mp3
09 - So In Love.mp3
10 - Count The Ways.mp3
11 - Too Late.mp3
12 - Judgement Day.mp3
13 - Nobody Else.mp3

G:\Mp3 Blues\AJ Croce\A J Croce - A J Croce\
01 - He's Got A Way With Women.wma
02 - Which Way Steinway.wma
03 - I Wonder.wma
04 - How'd We Get So Good At Sayin'.wma
05 - I Found Faith.wma
06 - Keep On Lookin'.wma
07 - She Wouldn't Give Me None.wma
08 - I Know Better Now.wma
09 - Back Where I Began.wma
10 - Smokin' Good Time.wma
11 - Stuff You Gotta Watch.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\Alan Haynes\Alan Haynes-3 Albums\Alan Haynes-Live From Karlsson-Stockholm Sweden-2004\
01 parsmiths farm.mp3
02 treat me so low down.mp3
03 mother earth.mp3
04 bad luck.mp3
05 i need love.mp3
05 stevies shuffle.mp3
07 down and out in texas.mp3
08 seventh son.mp3
09 doin the crawl.mp3
10 humbuggin me.mp3
11 coversation with alan.mp3
12 oh my baby?s gone.mp3
13 just a little bit.mp3
14 let the good times roll.mp3
15 albert?s shuffle.mp3
16 sick and tired.mp3
17 anything from you.mp3
18 i can tell.mp3
19 what about love.mp3

G:\Mp3 Blues\Alan Haynes\Alan Haynes-3 Albums\Alan Haynes-Live At The Big Easy-2002\
Alan Haynes-01-Say Howdy.mp3
Alan Haynes-02-Houston Blues.mp3
Alan Haynes-03-About To Lose Your Clown.mp3
Alan Haynes-04-04 Divin' Duck.mp3
Alan Haynes-05-Goin' Down Slow.mp3
Alan Haynes-06-Mean Old World.mp3
Alan Haynes-07-My Bleedin' Heart.mp3
Alan Haynes-08-Lonesome Blues.mp3
Alan Haynes-09-I Wonder Why.mp3
Alan Haynes-10-Sick And Tired.mp3
Alan Haynes-11-Albert's Shuffle.mp3
Live at the Big Easy.jpg

G:\Mp3 Blues\Alan Haynes\Alan Haynes-3 Albums\Alan Haynes - Germany 2004\Alan Haynes - Germany 2004\
01 Sang 1.mp3
01 Sang 1.wma
02 Sang 2.mp3
02 Sang 2.wma
03 Sang 3.mp3
03 Sang 3.wma
04 Sang 4.mp3
04 Sang 4.wma
05 Sang 5.mp3
05 Sang 5.wma
06 Sang 6.mp3
06 Sang 6.wma
07 Sang 7.mp3
07 Sang 7.wma
08 Sang 8.mp3
08 Sang 8.wma
09 Sang 9.mp3
09 Sang 9.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\Albert Collins\Truckin' With Albert Collins\
01 - Frosty.wma
02 - Hot 'N Cold.wma
03 - Frostbite.wma
04 - Tremble.wma
05 - Thaw Out.wma
06 - Dyin' Flu.wma
07 - Don't Lose Your Cool.wma
08 - Backstroke.wma
09 - Kool Aide.wma
10 - Shiver 'N Shake.wma
11 - Icy Blue.wma
12 - Snow-Cone II.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\Albert Collins\Rockford\
Albert Collins Sept 5 1993 T01.wma
Albert Collins Sept 5 1993 T02.wma
Albert Collins Sept 5 1993 T03.wma
Albert Collins Sept 5 1993 T04.wma
Albert Collins Sept 5 1993 T05.wma
Albert Collins Sept 5 1993 T06.wma
Albert Collins Sept 5 1993 T07.wma
Albert Collins Sept 5 1993 T08.wma
Albert Collins Sept 5 1993 T09.wma
Albert Collins Sept 5 1993 T10.wma
Albert Collins Sept 5 1993 T11.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\Albert Collins\Iceman\
01 - Mr. Collins, Mr. Collins Albert Collins.wma
02 - Iceman Albert Collins.wma
03 - Don't Mistake Kindness for Weakness Albert Collins.wma
04 - Travelin' South Albert Collins.wma
05 - Put the Shoe on the Other Foot Albert Collins.wma
06 - I'm Beginning to Wonder Albert Collins.wma
07 - Head Rag Albert Collins.wma
08 - The Hawk Albert Collins.wma
09 - Blues for Gabe Albert Collins.wma
10 - Mr. Collins, Mr. Collins [Faded Version] Albert Collins.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\Albert Collins\Albert Collins And The Icebreakers '92 - '93\
01 - Iceman.mp3
02 - Lights Are On But Nobody's Home.mp3
03 - If You Love Me (Like You Say).mp3
04 - Put The Shoe On The Other Foot.mp3
05 - Frosty.mp3
06 - Travelin' South.mp3
07 - Talkin' Woman.mp3
08 - My Woman Has A Black Cat Bone.mp3
09 - I Ain't Drunk.mp3
10 - T-Bone Shuffle.mp3

G:\Mp3 Blues\Albert King\

G:\Mp3 Blues\Albert King\Thursday Night In San Francisco\
01 - San-Ho-Zay.wma
02 - You Upset Me, Baby.wma
03 - Call It Stormy Monday.wma
04 - Everyday I Have The Blues.wma
05 - Drifting Blues.wma
06 - I've Made Nights By Myself.wma
07 - Crosscut Saw.wma
08 - I'm Gonna Move To The Outskirts Of Town.wma
09 - Ooh-Ee-Baby.wma

G:\Mp3 Blues\Albert King\The Very Best Of Albert King\
01 - Let's Have A Natural Ball.wma
02 - Don't Throw Your Love On Me So Strong.wma
03 - C.O.D..wma
04 - Laundromat Blues.wma
05 - Overall Junction.wma
06 - Oh, Pretty Woman (Can't Make You Love Me).wma
07 - Crosscut Saw.wma
08 - Born Under A Bad Si
Hav en god dag.

Med Venlig Hilsen.

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