Debatemne: Thai-Dk Din debat side :: Stickman Weekly

Oprettet af JackD d. 03-07-2011 10:10

Søndag eftermiddag i Bangkok, og der er lukked for sprutten, Ohøj Skipper!((4))

Man kan så passende bruge en ½ times tid på lidt intellektuel stimulering, velbekomme...


Et tip:

"So the erections, oops, I mean the elections are behind us and with that you may have thought there would be no more bar closures any time soon, right? Wrong! It's all going to be happening again real soon. July 15th and 16th happen to be important Buddha days and in previous years the sale of alcohol has been prohibited on each of these days. With this in mind, I think it's reasonable to assume that there will be a repeat performance of last year - so can expect a couple more dry days this month."

Redigeret af JackD d. 03-07-2011 10:22

Oprettet af Anonym d. 03-07-2011 10:28

[quote]JackD skrev:
Søndag eftermiddag i Bangkok, og der er lukked for sprutten, Ohøj Skipper!((4))

July 15th and 16th happen to be important Buddha days and in previous years the sale of alcohol has been prohibited on each of these days. With this in mind, I think it's reasonable to assume that there will be a repeat performance of last year - so can expect a couple more dry days this month."[/quot

Lucky me, i know the owner of the local supermarket here...Acohol...? No problem! ;)

Oprettet af skipper d. 03-07-2011 11:18

Nå skal det virkelig tage en halv time at stave sig gennem JackDs yndlingskopi-mundlort.((4))

Oprettet af M55 d. 03-07-2011 11:19

nej Lucky me jeg er en tørlagt alkoholiker så ..Acohol...? No problem!((7))

Oprettet af JackD d. 03-07-2011 11:23

skipper skrev:
Nå skal det virkelig tage en halv time at stave sig gennem JackDs yndlingskopi-mundlort.((4))

Jeg var så venlig at tage visse ærede medlemmers engelsksproglige kundskaber, (eller mangel på samme) senilitet, Demens, samt begyndende Alzheimer´s i betragtning, men måske jeg burde ændre det til 2 timer?


Oprettet af skipper d. 03-07-2011 11:29

Okei, tag den tid du behøver.((9((